utepunion utep utepbasics addictionfree alcoholicsanonymous alcoholprevention college collegecampus collegegraduate collegelife collegiaterecovery hope livetheexperience mentalhealth prevention recovery student support utepcampus utepcrp utepminers weinthistogether youth addictionrecovery springsemester alcoholawarenessmonth campus miners4recovery saam elpaso weinthistogether
Do you know what is a standard pour for beer, wine and liquor? Come to the ETOH and Me open session tomorrow at 12pm in the Barry Rm. 316 (Union East) and find out!
@utep_crp @miners4recovery
#utepbasics #utepcrp #alcoholawarenessmonth #miners4recovery #utep #utepminers #springsemester #student #college #collegelife #collegecampus #utepunion #alcoholicsanonymous #collegiaterecovery #prevention #support #mentalhealth #youth #hope #weinthistogether #recovery #collegegraduate #addictionrecovery #addictionfree #livetheexperience #alcoholprevention #utepcampus #campus
Yesterday the #clotheslineproject was there on the library lawn. Thanks @utepcare!
#utepbasics #utepcrp #alcoholawarenessmonth #saam #utep #utepminers #springsemester #student #college #collegelife #collegecampus #utepunion #alcoholicsanonymous #collegiaterecovery #prevention #support #mentalhealth #youth #hope #weinthistogether #recovery #collegegraduate #addictionrecovery #addictionfree #livetheexperience #alcoholprevention #utepcampus #campus
Being human means also admitting that we are sometimes weak ❤️ #utepbasics #utepcrp #alcoholawarenessmonth #saam #utep #utepminers #springsemester #student #college #collegelife #collegecampus #utepunion #alcoholicsanonymous #collegiaterecovery #prevention #support #mentalhealth #youth #hope #weinthistogether #recovery #collegegraduate #addictionrecovery #addictionfree #livetheexperience #alcoholprevention #utepcampus #campus
The Clothesline Project honors survivors and victims of sexual assault. T-shirts have been designed and illustrated by survivors and student allies who have offered their voices with the purpose of spreading the awareness of sexual assault. Together they left a message for all those who may become victims: Take Back the Night.
Join us at the following locations:
#utepbasics #utepcrp #alcoholawarenessmonth #saam #utep #utepminers #springsemester #student #college #collegelife #collegecampus #utepunion #alcoholicsanonymous #collegiaterecovery #prevention #support #mentalhealth #youth #hope #weinthistogether #recovery #collegegraduate #addictionrecovery #addictionfree #livetheexperience #alcoholprevention #utepcampus #campus
April is Alcohol Awareness Month! Here are some tips to help you drink alcohol in moderation: https://bit.ly/2hRRtQB
#utepbasics #utepcrp #alcoholawarenessmonth #saam #utep #utepminers #springsemester #student #college #collegelife #collegecampus #utepunion #alcoholicsanonymous #collegiaterecovery #prevention #support #mentalhealth #youth #hope #weinthistogether #recovery #collegegraduate #addictionrecovery #addictionfree #livetheexperience #alcoholprevention #utepcampus #campus
April is both Alcohol Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We will keep you posted on the events around the campus! #utepbasics #utepcrp #alcoholawarenessmonth #saam #utep #utepminers #springsemester #student #college #collegelife #collegecampus #utepunion #alcoholicsanonymous #collegiaterecovery #prevention #support #mentalhealth #youth #hope #weinthistogether #recovery #collegegraduate #addictionrecovery #addictionfree #livetheexperience #alcoholprevention #utepcampus #campus