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#validation #selflove #loveyourself #love #change #emotions #life #lifecoach #mentalhealth #selfcare #fear #quote #quotes #relationships #selfworth #anxiety #business #chances #choices #choose #codependant #controlling #covertnarcissist #dating #deflection #depression #education #empathy #feelings #fitness

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #VALIDATION
#validation #validationnotneeded #validationwhore #validationcomic #validationisforparking #validations #validationteam #validationday #validationpodcast #validationfacial #validationquotes #validationproject #validationnation #validationstation #validationnotrequired #validationseekers #validationfromstrangers #validationplease #validationfeelsgood #validationaddication #validationweek #validationtherapy #validationwhores #validationseeking #validationboard #validationneeded #validation5 #validationmakeup #validationatsouq #validationdesacquisdelexperience #validationiskey

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

all u need to know to make someone feel even the littlest bit better - - - - #recovery #healing #takecareofyourselffirst #goalsandaspirations #mentalhealthawareness #gentlereminder #ifitismeantobeitwillbe #mentalhealthsupport #validation #mentalillnessrecovery #majordepressivedisorder #gad #selfgrowth #selfcare

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

Day 12/100: I’ll be honest, I’m not feeling much momentum with my #100dayproject so far. I’m mostly trudging along, barely interested to pick up my pen each day. . Times like this remind me to check in with my motivation. And there are many motivations behind creating something (some nicer than others). But hey, just remembering the “why” behind what I do helps me to keep going. . Why do you create and what helps you when you’re feeling stuck? . . . . . . . #illustration #illustrationdaily #the100dayproject #100dayproject #creative #watercolor #sketchbook #dailysketch #expectations #100daysofnoexpectation #validation #inspirationalquotes #selfvalue

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

This is how we make peace with the opposing forces within, and to be stronger than the need to be validated or completed. . . . #validation #girlpower #wordsofwisdom #selflove #mentalhealthjourney #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellness #mindfulness #yourfeelingsarevalid #mindmatters #quoteoftheday #staystrong #mindfulpractice #womeninspiringwomen #motivation #strengthquotes #empowerment #selfcarefirst #selfcarematters #influencer #emotionalhealth #projecthappiness #motivationnation #motivationforlife #wordstoliveby #quotestoliveby #tinybuddha #truthquotes #headspace #nevergiveup

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

When is a good time to give advice? When you are asked for it! Agree or disagree?

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

Been ruminating on this a lot in the past month as things shift greatly in my life. I think if there is ONE piece of advice I beg you to listen to when it comes to what I’ve learned working with the dead, it is that we have all been tricked into believing that the thing you are reading this on right now is ‘reality’. It’s not. Nearly everything you see on this app-or any social media platform really-is a lie. Meticulously curated faces, makeup, and bodies. They are not real. It is a game made to keep you left wanting. Wanting to be more. Give more. Do more. But more is infinite and there will never be enough, especially when your perception of the real, and your self worth is based on a lie. Never forget that you will die. And that there is an amazing and beautiful world out there full of experiences and knowledge and culture begging for you to find it and grow. And it will reward you with more than likes and followers. Place your value not in what you produce. Not in your identity and career. “You are not your job.” because even that is a trick based on what you can give and do for others. Find the real meaning in your personal life and remember that happiness and sadness are both fleeting. Trust me I get that it’s easier said than done and my guess is that will always be a struggle in being human and finding and keeping your humility. And then, after you read this, double tap if you agree!! One like=One prayer!!! (Come on you knew I’d have to end it like that it’s still ‘me’). Found this art on @cupcakerae feed and felt like I needed this reminder and as a post script seems like we all are benefiting from this reminder. Tagged the OG artist who is a pretty rad chick too. #mementomori #deathpositive #mortician #love #validation #eldermillennial

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

#lifeafternarc #lifeafternarcissisticabuse #noclosure #closure #educateyourself #educatedempath #selfcare #selflove #knowyourworth #validation #narcology #survivetothrive #narcissisticsociopath #selfvalidation #narcandempath #covertnarcissisticabuse #findyourstrength #idealizedevaluediscard #exploited #soulmatescam #noblenav

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

If ATM/Debit/Credit card machines did this, the world would be a better place. Lol

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

I sometimes wonder if I’m just being overly sensitive to what happened and that it wasn’t actually abuse, but I always have to remind myself that I’m not and it’s not just me. - Raven . . . . #grooming#abuse#emotionalabuse#positivity#sexualabuse#abusesurvivor#trauma#traumasurvivor#recovery#physicalabuse#recover#recovering#manipulation#positive#validation#abusiverelationship#happyquotes#abusesupport#prorecovery#recoveryquotes

Хештеги на тему #VALIDATION

Monday inspiration

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