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It’s day 22 of the #rcea2z event and for the letter V we have VectorMan! Such a fun game on the Genesis, it’s crazy to think that they had a $25,000 contest for the first game. Both games are fantastic and play very similar! A lot of the music in both games really has that 90s touch. The graphics are quite good for the time too. I do enjoy the first game more though even if it can get pretty tough and it also doesn’t have any continues. Vectorman gets some pretty cool power ups but they don’t last too long so you better make the most of them. Must own titles on the Genesis if you ask me, they really showed off the systems capabilities. -
#sega #segagenesis #16bit #genesis #segagram #igerssega #segamegadrive #vectorman #retrocollectiveeurope #retrocollective #retrocollectivecanada #retrocollectivena #retrocollectiveus #retrogamer #retrogamers #retrogames #retrogame #retrogaming #retrocollector #retrocollection #videogames #videogameaddict #retrovideogames #instagamer #segaretro
Vectorman™ ©1995
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You didn’t think we would forget about the V in #rcea2z did ya? Well, we didn’t, and we are bringing you Vectorman 2 with some sweet delicious scanlines in our Region Free Sony PVM. •
Vectorman is one of those underrated series that has been forgotten to time. Perhaps that is because the games are hard as nails. But really, these games deserve much more recognition considering it’s awesome 60 frames per second graphics, it’s clever humor, highly responsive controls and delightfully quirky humor. The games are cheap so if you find it out in the wild, make sure to pick it up. •
As always, the Region Free Gamers are:
Arnie: @welcome2thegame
Masa: @masajarvinen09
Paul: @pauls_gameroom
Ozzy: @shadow.of.the.collector
#regionfreegamers #videogamepodcast #allofthegames #retrogames #retrogamer #retrogaming #videogamecollection #gamecollector #gamestagram #retrocollectivena #vectorman #sega #segagenesis #segamegadrive #90s #scanlines #scanlineporn
Resposta ao "Donkey Kong Country" da Nintendo, "VectorMan" chegou em 1995 com gráficos pré-renderizados e animações de altíssimo nível. Aliado aos efeitos de luz e sombra, é facilmente um dos jogos mais bonitos do Mega Drive! Sua trilha sonora viciante e jogabilidade precisa completam o pacote, além da história muito similar à animação "Wall-E" da Disney/Pixar, que nos faz questionar sua originalidade. Acesse o Blog Tectoy (link no perfil) e saiba mais sobre esse clássico obrigatório em qualquer coleção da SEGA! #Tectoy #Sega #MegaDrive #VectorMan
Crossed off a good one from the wish list the other day with VECTORMAN 2. Love the first game. Even though I’ve never beaten it, I’ve wanted the second game to own and play! If you’ve never tried them, they’re a couple of awesome 2D platformers exclusive to the Genesis! Man I love platformers
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