velomotion веломагазин велосипед велорынок каталог_velomotion велодруг велосипеды кросскантри велоспорт велозапчасти веломосква велоночь велоаксессуары горныйвелик bike велик веловыходные велогонки велокросс велосезоноткрыт велосипедымосква велоутро шоссейник велолук велосипедкупить велосоревнования эндуро веловесна велоквест горныйвелик
no riding for us today here at @bikefestivals Riva del Garda due to super miserable weather... a few years ago this wouldn‘t be a reason for me but meanwhile im a bit whining picture by @mikefize /
#mtb #bikefestival #rivadelgarda #mountainbike #bike @marinbikes #marinbikes #gripgrab @gripgrab #velomotion #outdoor #outdoorsports #nature #italy #enduro #fahrrad #rad #sportphotography #actionsports #magazine
Всем добрейшего утречка и отличного воскресного дня!
Ставь "+" если хочешь уже скорее солнечной и теплой погоды☀️
#велосипедизация #велозапчасти
#велопрогулка #веломагазин #веловыходные
#велотуры #велопутешествие #велотрек #велотрип #велокросс #веложизнь #велопрогулянка #шоссейник #велоледи #веломарафон #веловсена #велотрасса #велоселфи #весна #веснаидёт #зимауходи #веснаидётвеснедорогу #velomotion #девушки #спортивныедевушки
Heut morgen einen LKW überfahren. Selber schuld, wenn der nich guckt.
#fahrradstadt #hamburg #fahrradfahren #veloceped #velomotion #auffahradfahrichab #adfc #fürmehrraddwege #bicylelanes #pedalenpicture #cyclelife #cyclinglife #contoura #randonneur #weridehamburg #theyseemerollin #fromwhereiride #laeiszhalle #brahmskontor #tuesdayafternoonadventures #artisticveloaction #fahrradblogger_de #igers_fahrrad #bicyclersofinstagram #ootd_verkehrssicherheit #menwithstyle #menwithfahrradfahrinteressen
Strong like bull
Yesterday I decided to put myself in a world of pain and go solo from 30k out, if someone came with me all the better but no one did. So I made sure I was in the right mindset to put the effort in. As you can see from the video ➡️ I had a minute or so on a group of 25 and within the last 1km I could see them coming. With 500m to go I could see them sprint. And by now my legs had spent the last 40minutes on the limit. I stood up and I pedalled squares and I screamed in pain until I crossed that line. And I think I was more happy that the pain was over than winning the race
If you give in to the mind your legs will stop but if you don't you can go deeper than you've ever gone before. It was a stressful week and I had people in my head that kept me going. ⠀
Thanks to @dungarvancyclingclub absolutely awesome course! ⠀⠀
#cycling #cyclinglife #comeraghcc #lifebehindbars #fullgas #chiabiaseed #chiapower #chiafueled #HDYCYB #huphup #velo #velomotion #velotec
Fragt die eine Rosine die andere: „Wieso hastn du’n Helm auf?“
Sagt die andere: „Geh jetz in’ Stollen.“
#fahrradfahren #hamburg #veloceped #velomotion #auffahradfahrichab #adfc #fürmehrraddwege #bicylelanes #pedalenpicture #cyclelife #cyclinglife #contoura #randonneur #weridehamburg #theyseemerollin #fromwhereiride #kaltehofe #elbdeich #vierlande #zollenspieker #easterafternoonadventures #veloaction #fahrradblogger_de #igers_fahrrad #bicyclersofinstagram #ootd_verkehrssicherheit #menwithstyle #menwithhelm
ready for another day at @bikefestivals Lago di Garda with @mikefize
@marinbikes #alpinetrail #lagodigarda #bananaway #velomotion #vlmtn #mountainbikes #enduro #mtb #bike #bikefestival #gardasee #marinbikes #outdoor #nature #woods #gooutside #sportsphotography #photography #actionsports @gripgrab #gripgrab
BÄM Test
Das Propel Advanced Pro Disc zeichnet sich durch beste Aerodynamik, gute Steifigkeit, präzises Handling, sowie durch eine hochwertigen Ausstattung inklusive Powermeter aus. Mit gerade einmal 5.300 Euro kann das Bike nicht nur durch die Performance sondern auch durch sein starkes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis überzeugen.
Den Link zum gesamten Test findest du in unserer Bio #UltimateSpeed #RideLife #Aero #RideGiant #BikePorn #GiantPropel #velomotion #Roadbike #roadbikes #aerobike
#techtuesday who knows what am i doing right there? i have no glue! @mikefize
@incr.eddy.ble please correct me if there are any spelling mistakes
#ebikes #ebike #velomotion #vlmtn #bikecheck #service #bike #mountainbike #photoshoot #outdoor #actionsports #fahrrad @gripgrab #gripgrab