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(read till the end)
I want you to close your eyes and place your hands on your heart and remember who you are. You are love. You are amazing. You are divinely perfect. You are a Vibe. You are pure light. You are a beautiful soul.
It’s hard when we forget our power. We forget we get to choose. We get to decide how we feel. How we see ourselves. Especially when others try to tear us down. But you have to be centered in your strength. You have to liberate your soul self. That is your powerful self.
Doubt and feeling unworthy leaves you never feeling enough. This will always stop you from showing up how you really are. You have to keep being who you are. You’re most authentic you.
Never let the judgment of others define you. You save this. And remind yourself of your power. You remind yourself there is so much more you can and will do. It’s all coming together in a greater plan.
Keep believing in your dreams because it’s everything. Don’t you dare think this is the end. This where you will be forever. It gets better so much better babe.
If you’re not where you want to be, it’s ok you’re on your way. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re in a situation right now. Keep asking for guidance your path will open up. We are always shifting, changing, growing and evolving.
You’re healing, you’re shining, you are thriving. Always. You are not broken. You never were. You’re unlearning everything that said you weren’t good enough. And you’re enough. You’re on your way.
You are always making the right decisions. Everything is always going to be in your favor.
Please share with someone who needs this reminder. I want us all to feel good about who we are.
Drop a heart ❤️ if you agree. Much love❤️
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"All organisms communicate by vibration. And know if they are in a good place, or in a bad place by reading the vibrations. We humans have that ability, but are not trained to use that ability."
-Dr. Bruce Lipton.
Via @the__mystics
#brucelipton #epigenetics #communicationiskey #feelthevibe #vibrations #vibrationalenergy #paradigmshift #highvibration #energyhealing #higherawareness #awareness #osho #eckharttolle #knowledgeofself #dailyinspiration #dailymotivation #enlightenment #wokeaf #soulguidance #spiritualpath #animalkingdom #spirituality #synchronicity #consciousness #oneness
One more reminder. ✨ #ThirdEyeThoughts #ThirdEyeThirst #HigherAwareness #ThirdEyeOpen #PowerOfPositivity #SpiritualAwakening #TheHigherSelf #HigherAwakening #ThirdEye #ThirdEyeAwakening #PinealGland #AstralProjection #UniversalGuidance #Awakened #Vibrations #Awakening #CosmicConsciousness #SpiritualMemes #HigherConsciousness #Divinity #SpiritualMeme #MemeTherapy
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