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Boston MBTA PCC 3050 at Arborway, December, 1966. On a slushy winter day, PCC 3050 at the Arborway Yard is ready for its return trip to Boston along South Street, Centre Street, and Huntington Avenue. Part of this line still runs on Huntington Avenue as the “E-Branch” if the Green Line, but the stretch from Heath Street to Arborway was pretty much abandoned in 1985. .
#vieuxtram .
More of my old streetcar pictures from Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, New York, etc. can be seen on my Instagram feed @clickboggle_fotog .
Boston MBTA PCCs in the Lake Street Yard, June, 1967. A few PCCs rest in the Lake Street Yard at the end of the Commonwealth Avenue / Boston College line in the summer of 1967. This yard is still used to store a few of Bostons light rail trains.
#vieuxtram .
More of my old streetcar pictures from Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, New York, etc. can be seen on my Instagram feed @clickboggle_fotog .
Boston MBTA PCC 3213 Inbound at MFA, December, 1966. A snowy day in Boston in front of the Museum of Fine Arts on Huntington Avenue. .
#vieuxtram .
More of my old streetcar pictures from Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, New York, etc. can be seen on my Instagram feed @clickboggle_fotog .
Boston MBTA PCC 3084 near Boston College, June, 1967. Heading outbound from Government Center on Commonwealth Avenue on the Boston College line, now known as the “B-Branch” of the Green Line, this 2-car train is approaching the last stop, the Boston College terminus at the Lake Street Yard. Taken in June, 1967 with Agfa transparency film which has not held up very well over time. .
#vieuxtram .
More of my old streetcar pictures from Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, New York, etc. can be seen on my Instagram feed @clickboggle_fotog .
Boston MBTA PCC 3216 on Huntington Ave, December, 1966. An outbound Arborway train on a snowy day in Boston in front of the Museum of Fine Arts on Huntington Avenue. .
#vieuxtram .
More of my old streetcar pictures from Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, New York, etc. can be seen on my Instagram feed @clickboggle_fotog .
Boston MBTA View of Reservoir Yard, August, 1966. These cars were stored alongside the Reservoir Carhouse. When a new carhouse was built in the 1980s, there was no room for these storage tracks, and they were moved further east, down that long line of cars receding into the distance on the right. Seen from the Reservoir Station of the Riverside Branch from the old turn-around loop that used to be there. .
#vieuxtram .
More of my old streetcar pictures from Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Newark, New York, etc. can be seen on my Instagram feed @clickboggle_fotog .