vijnanabhairavatantra yoga tantra meditation radiancesutras yogisofanarchy shiva consciousness mantra yogini awakening shakti yogalife yogateacher collage collageart dance dusk2dawn moksha swamilakshmanjoo tantrayoga tantricyoga tantrika thirdeye vijnanayoga yogainspiration yogalove abhayahridayamudra artecontemporanea asana yogapsychology
Nirādhārena cittena: Keep your mind nirādhāra, without support; then you will enter in the supreme brahma. ~ Swami Lakshmanjoo #ekapadasirsasana #swamilakshmanjoo #brahma #vijnanabhairavatantra #onefootbehindthehead #anjalimudra #tantricyoga #adiyogi #chakrabalance #kundalinitantra #tantrichatha #namaste #advancedasana #openyourmindseyeandsee #selftransformation #sivarathnayoga
“The splendour of Consciousness is revealed through the senses…[on contemplating] your sensory awareness…become immersed in the essence of fullness.” (Vijnana Bhairava) ✨
‘Come to Your Senses’ Workshop with me and @loveuyoga .
Explore the senses and uncover the deep presence and aliveness that is available to you through tuning in to your sense perceptions or ‘jnanendriyas’. In this afternoon workshop we celebrate the rich and diverse practices of yoga ✨ Journeying in to the sensual world, we’ll start by moving in to energetic Kundalini-inspired practices followed by a prana-charged Vinyasa Flow sequence, closing the first half of this workshop with grounding pranayama (breath work) and a sensory meditation.
After breaking for herbal tea and vegan treats, we'll move in to a deeply meditative Restorative practice followed by Yoga Nidra.
A long Savasana (relaxation) with aromatherapy and facial massage will bring the workshop to finish.
Expect crystal magic, journalling and essential oils along the way! Epping Studio, Sunday 10th March, 1-4pm £40pp ~ Booking now available via their website
#yoga #yogaworkshop #vijnanabhairavatantra #kundalini #vinyasaflow #pranayama #meditation #connect #yogacommunity #fringeyoga #senses #jnanendriyas #cometoyoursenses
The emptiness of space permeates the body
and all directions simultaneously.
Space is always there,
already there before your noticing of it.
What we call space is a presence that is a more solid foundation than the firmest granite. Space is permission to exist and worlds within which to express.
Without thinking about it,
without forming mental images of it,
rest in this vast expanse
and become friends with infinity.
#lorinroche #vijnanabhairavatantra #yogini #denveryoga #yoga #yogateacher #pranavinyasa
Shot y @tjtriage
„ ist wie so eine magische Roadmap, um das Leben in seiner Ganzheit und Schönheit zu erfassen. Die Schönheit in den guten sowie in den schlechten Dingen, um es ganz krass zu sagen: Im Scheißhaufen genauso wie im aller köstlichstem Moment.“
Tantra. Ziehen wir uns aus, machen uns nackig, und stecken uns ineinander? Nein, das machen wir nicht. In dieser neuen Podcastfolge spreche ich mit der wundervollen @sandra_von_zabiensky über ihre große Leidenschaft Tantra & was wirklich dahinter steckt. Wir sprechen über Höhen und Tiefen und der Schönheit in all dessen. Über „the core of being“ und Momente des Zweifelns, der Trauer und des Wandels.
In dieser Podcastfolge erfährst du… ☼ Wie Sandra zum Yoga gekommen ist oder vice versa
☼ Wie die Philosophie des Tantra zur Basis ihres Lebens wurde
☼ Was Tantra mit Sex zu tun hat
☼ Was Tantra für Sandra bedeutet und was wirklich dahinter steckt ☼ Was Gefühle uns manchmal sagen möchten und wieso sie erlebt werden sollten
Ich freue mich auf deine Nachricht, deine Worte & Kommentare ♡
Den Link findest du in der Bio ♡#liebeverbindet •
#tantra #yogaeverywhere #yogaforeveryone #tantralove #tantralife #yogaphilosophy #vijnanabhairavatantra #freeyourmind #sharelove #podcast #karmaworks #sundaymood #leseratte #bücherwurm #yogajourney #lifeisajourney
Beautiful blue expansive sky
Put it in your mind
Make your skull wide broad without sides
Outside akasha
Inside akasha
Become ONE
#vijnanabhairavatantra #tantricyoga #bluesky #blueskymeditation #expandyourconsciousness #akasha #spaceandconsciousness #meditationspace #headspace #headspacemeditation #tantricmeditation #yogiworld #yogauniverse #generateuniversalpeaceconsciousness #sivarathnayoga
Wander and wander to the point of exhaustion.
Whirl until you lose all control.
Dance until you are ready to drop.
Then drop!
Fall to the earth.
Surrender to the s w i r l o f s e n s a t i o n s
Surging through your form.
D i s s o l v e in awe as arising energies
Continue the dance in your i n n e r w o r l d.
Beyond motion and commotion.
Become the b o d y o f e c s t a s y. ~The Radiance Sutras
#yogaofwonderanddelight #vijnanabhairavatantra
#yoga #meditation #tantra
#somaticexperiencing #somaticawareness
#embodiedmovement #embodiedspirituality
#yogapractice #thisismypractice
#outoftheheadintothebody #feelingit
#yogaindubai #dubaiyoga #dubailovesyoga
#mydubai #yogaeverywhere
#yogalife #yogalove #itsallyoga #itsalllove
#vinyasa #vinyasaflow #flowwithlove #flowwithintention #flow #justflow
"place your whole attention in the nerve, delicate as the lotus thread, in the center of your spinal column.
in such be transformed."
- vijñāna bhairava tantra
shiva and shakti, steadiness and dynamism, awareness and bliss, stability and transformation.
turn me inside~out.
transform ~ transform ~ transform.
my theme for this month ~ or rather, always my personal theme for life.
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