viktoslife viktos tactical training unconquered fitness crossfit blooddontlie forgedbyzeus gymnastics proenergyfit repost teamcellucor teamppm teamxtend everydaycarry pewpew viktosbrand tacticalgear thepewpewlife aiwb alphalifestyle barrett boresightsolutions dapper fenixammo gunholsters
#Repost @viktosvp
Just destroying my range with the @barrettfirearms M107A1 in 50 BMG. Loving the combo with the @vortexoptics Razor HD Gen 2. Can’t wait to stretch this things legs today and see what she can really do!
#viktos #viktoslife #barrett #barrettm107a1 #vortexoptics #vortexnation #50cal #50bmg #longrangerifles #longrangeshooting #armorpiercing #rangeday #secondamendment #righttobeararms #recoil #operator #operatorasfuck #likeaboss #freedom #letthebigdogeat
Part 2 of 3 on why you miss. Visualize how you WILL shoot the target, not how you COULD miss it. Refrain from imprinting negative actions on our self image.
VC: @berserkercreative
@viktosbrand #viktoslife #tack #tee #contractoraf #pant @actiontarget #targets #mindset #mentalstrength #visualize @stiinternational #2011forthewin #findyourwin @buckp79 @tonypignato1 #baersolutions
VIKTOS Freedom Friday with Daron Cruickshank
#ViktosLife #Viktos #Sale #FreedomFriday #Unconquered #Training #Tactical #Operator #RangeDay #TacticalGear #SundayGunday #EDC #PewPewLife #Saiga12 #Trijicon #DaronCruickshank
#Repost : @daroncruickshank
I had a great time today at the LGC monthly 3 gun match. I ran the vepr super 308. What a tank that gun is. Built on a RPK frame. It really was a joy to shoot. I put a @trijicon type 2 RMR on it. Loved it... #308