vingrhames johnsingleton babyboy movies tyrese tarajiphenson film icecube rosewood snoopdogg boyznthehood poeticjustice tyresegibson cubagoodingjr higherlearning movie morrischestnut ripjohnsingleton shaft cinema nialong snowfall 2fast2furious ajjohnson janetjackson omargooding samuelljackson fourbrothers laurencefishburne reginaking dannytrejo
The famed director suffered a stroke on Wednesday and passed away today. My prayers are with his family. .
Singleton is the youngest as well as the first black director to be Oscar-nominated (for BoyzintheHood). My favorite movie of his is #BabyBoy with #TarajiPHenson (in her first major role) #AJJohnson #Tyrese #VingRhames and #SnoopDogg.
Other notable films include #BoyzintheHood #FastandFurious #2Fast2Furious #PoeticJustice #Shaft #HigherLearning #Rosewood #Snowfall and #michaeljackson’s #RemembertheTime and #Dangerous #film #movies #director #filmlife #movielife