warren2020 ourrevolution elizabethwarren tulsi2020 maga progressive feelthebern notmeus 2020election berniesanders2020 democrat democraticsocialism donaldtrump leftist liberals politicalscience sanders2020 thedailyember yourdailyember bethechange politicalmemes singleplayer beto2020 petebuttigieg tulsigabbard winwithwarren elizabethwarren2020 bernie2020 democrats voteojeda
If you’re a real Christian you should try to convince others you’re right through your actions (like Carter), not by instilling your religion on others! #jimmycarter #presidentcarter #presidentjimmycarter #seperationofchurchandstate ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
@newprogressivedemocrat is an account that promotes the progressive agenda!
#politics #political #politicalmemes #democracy #peopleoverprofit #wethepeople #runbernierun #bernieforpresident #bernie2020 #warren2020 #berniesanders #notmeus #feelthebern #stillsanders #stillwithher #obama #presidentobama #lockhimup #trumpsucks #fucktrump #antitrump #dumptrump #drumpf #notmypresident #impeachtrump #resisttrump
We are not victims, so we need to get rid of that mentality! Great insight from @realshekinah! -
#MAGA #TrumpSupporter #CorruptPoliticians #2020Election #leftistlogic #TPUSA #TurningPointUSA #ConservativePolitics #Conservative #elizabethwarren #warren2020 #trump2020 #Democrat #Politics #Congress #Liberals #Liberal #Republican #american #patriot #candaceowens #usa #makeamericagreatagain #iLoveTrump
Shout out to @elizabethwarren for understanding that disparaging one another as we head into the 2020 presidential primary will do little to uplift our focus on saving this democracy from the current traitors in the White House and congress. In fact.. all of these democratic candidates are bringing so much to the table.. they all have a lot to learn from one another and if they listen and support one another instead of attacking one another... their own campaigns can grow stronger in the process. Grateful to see this and I hope to see more of it, not just amongst the candidates, but also amongst the voter factions on the left as we carry on.
#thepeopleunitedwillneverbedefeated #juliancastro
#warren2020 #elizabethwarren #2020herewecome