weedandyoga yoga cannabiscommunity cannabis smokeweedeveryday yogaandweed namaste 420yoga coffeesippinyogis smokeandstretch weed cannayoga highlife yogi cannabisandyoga cannabisculture ganja hightimes loveandlight restorativeyoga yogaeverydamnday yogahigh california coffee coffeeandyoga coffeetime ganjayoga inhaleholditexhalesmile loveculture yogawithmalaika
On Friday’s we do yoga ♀️. .
@elevatedyoga.lv 8pm.
And so much love.
@jalapeno.pop .
#lasvegas #lasvegasyoga #vegas #vegasyoga #elevatedyoga #elevatedyogalv #indica #somegirlsgethigh #worldreefers #vegan #veganyogi #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #yogi #ahimsa #weedandyoga #yogaandweed #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #vegasnightlife #firstfriday
One of us will be teaching.
The other one will just be smoking and stretching . . . .
If you received your email you already know which is which:) for those of you who need more info .... slide into our DMs. .
#weedandyoga #worldreefers #cannabiscommunity #yogaandweed #veganstoner #lasvegas #lasvegasyoga #lasvegasvegans #lasvegascannabis #vegasvegans #vegas #vegascannabis #vegasnightlife #somegirlsgethigh #indica #medicalmarijuana #cannabis #cannabiscures #elevatedyoga #elevatedyogalv #vegan #veganstoner .
. @jalapeno.pop
Balancing everything that's going on in our fast pace world has been the hardest part for me now that I'm fully in the work force. Trying to balance work, my relationships, my pets, my health, BEING ME. I used to hate how hard everything was, but I now realize that I like it hard. I like struggle, the grind, for it means that I have put in the effort. I tried. I worked. What is life if you don't live?
When I first wanted to teach cannabis infused yoga I went searching the Internet to find others doing the same , but at the time the only one I found was @ganjayoga .
I immediately started following Dee and for the next 6 months I tried to learn all I could about combining weed and yoga while admiring her classes from Instagram pictures , still dreaming of starting my own.
Once I started my own classes (#elevatedyogalv) there were a couple of opportunities for us to meet/take her class but it didn’t work out for me at the time.
“Why Universe ♀️”
Anyway...Last year she wrote a book and this week she sent me a signed copy
I’m so excited to read it and if any of you are interested, I’ll have it at class this week for everyone to check it out:)
So it turns out that she’s not only smart but also super dope , and once we do meet I am for sure we will turn into real life friends too♀️
#ganjayoga #elevatedyoga #cannabisyoga #weedandyoga #cannabis #cannabiscommunity
Looking forward to doing more yoga outside this summer! Thank @safflowerstreet @cannabis_concepts @fresh101detroit for the great food. More yoga picnics coming soon.
We have two classes today and every Wednesday - Slow burn | Sesh 6:30p Class 7p @kay_danai - Yindica | Sesh 8p Class 8:30p @larissa.rose
Classes are only $10-15, monthly unlimited membership only $50 on elevatedyogi.com
#mmmp #detroityoga #belleisle #detroityogi #yogaindetroit #ryt200 #medicalmarijuana #420friendly #namaste #weedandyoga #cannabiscommunity #420detroit #detroitweed #detroitfitness #downwarddog #summer2018
I met @dabbing_granny and she signed two rolling trays for us
One we will keep and use in class and the other one is going home with one of y’all next month
We are donating the rolling tray (in the 3rd pic) in class on April 19th. We will have a 420 party with lots of other awesome gifts for you guys too so mark your calendars now
But you don’t have to wait that long to chill out with us...we will see you this Friday at 8pm
#canabiscommunity #lasvegas #champs #champstradeshow #champstradeshowslasvegas #dabbinggranny #ooze #oozelife #elevatedyoga #elevatedyogalv #vegascannabis #vegas #weedandyoga
Bring it down a notch this weekend. ✌
#stonedware #stonedwareco #geopipe #yoga #weedandyoga #yogaandweed #weekendplans #weekendvibes #relax #weekend #yogi #yogisofinstagram #stoneryoga #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #meditation #meditate #calm #womenwhosmokeweed #innerpeace #smokeinstyle #lifestyle #modern #stylish #decor #design #pdx @dawgstarcannabis