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Хештеги на тему #WEHA

In case you missed this post in stories earlier this week: I’ve been an Esthetician and brow stylist since 2005. I’ve had success and I’ve had failures. I let life get in the way of my passion for the beauty industry. I’ve let doubt and fear hold me back. ⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ A few years ago I was at the top of my game. My personal life got grossly out of whak and it was in utter shambles. My beauty business suffered. I closed it. Went through severe depression and even considered worse. I felt I failed myself, my family and my clients. In many ways I did. But alas. A Phoenix must rise through the ashes. ⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ After 2 1/2 years, I’m back. Better and more focused than ever. I was one of the top brow stylist in the state before brows were even a thing. I treated and cleared acne when doctors even couldn’t. I helped women feel more beautiful in their skin and I enjoyed every bit of those moments. ⁣⁣ -⁣⁣ So I’m back to doing brows and taking care of skin better then before. New skills, new outlook and a more wholistic way of caring for skin. Amenda Beauty (named after my grandma) is coming soon. Follow @amendabeauty .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #wholisticbeauty #ctlife #weha #westhartford #manchester #southwindsor #estheticianlife #estheticslife #browstylist #bossbabe #healthyskin #beautyexpert #beautygurus #cleanbeauty #greenbeauty #ctliving #connecticutgram #connecticutliving #weha #sisterlocks #summervibes #esthetician

Хештеги на тему #WEHA

LONG BUNKER SHOT - Not as hard as we make it. GW or PW with slightly open face. Same swing speed as green side bunker shot. Skim the sand - don’t come in too steep. Stay committed & trust it . . . . #golfinstruction #golfcoach #golffitness #westhartford #weha #golfdigest #golfswing #pga #hartfordhasit #hartford #footjoy #golftips #instaconnecticut #golfswag #ctgolf #connecticut #golftip

Хештеги на тему #WEHA

Ball back for solid contact. Tilt hips & shoulders same angle as slope. Since the ball is back and ball will come out lower take one less club. . . . . #golfinstruction #golfcoach #golffitness #westhartford #weha #golfdigest #golfswing #pga #hartfordhasit #hartford #footjoy #golftips #instaconnecticut #golfswag #ctgolf #connecticut #golftip

Хештеги на тему #WEHA

Mondays and donuts and beers, oh my! Don’t miss our collab with @tworoadsbrewing at Flight Night- this Friday, 7/19. Link in bio for details! (No donuts were wasted in the making of this video)

Хештеги на тему #WEHA

Short Game school this Sunday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm! . . . . #golfinstruction #golfcoach #golffitness #westhartford #weha #golfdigest #golfswing #pga #hartfordhasit #hartford #footjoy #golftips #instaconnecticut #golfswag #ctgolf #connecticut #golftip

Хештеги на тему #WEHA

When faced with an uphill shot embrace that is going to higher than a flat lie. 1️⃣ Ball middle or slightly forward in your stance. 2️⃣ Minimal shaft lean toward target. 3️⃣ Swing with slope to reduce divot. 4️⃣ Ball will go higher & shorter than a flat lie. 5️⃣ Long and smooth to allow it to land softly!

Хештеги на тему #WEHA


Хештеги на тему #WEHA

To hit this shot with success we need to do the following: 1️⃣ Ball forward in stance 2️⃣ Hands low 3️⃣ Face open 4️⃣ Shallow attack angle 5️⃣ Speed at the bottom to crest spin! . . . . #golfinstruction #golfcoach #golffitness #westhartford #weha #golfdigest #golfswing #pga #hartfordhasit #hartford #footjoy #golftips #instaconnecticut #golfswag #ctgolf #connecticut #golftip

Хештеги на тему #WEHA

Be mindful that where you hit it on the club face contributes to the curvature of the golf ball and spin imparted. . . . . #ctgolf #connecticut #weha #westhartford #hartford #golftip #instaconnecticut #golfcoach #golfdigest #instagolf #golfinstruction #shortgame #putting #trackman

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