weirdeyes eyescrossing crazyeyes crosseyed ahegao bozeyed crazyeyed crossedeye crossedeyes crosseeye crosseye crosseyedgirl crosseyes crossingeyes eyecross eyecrossed eyecrosses eyecrossing eyescross eyescrossed funnyeyes weirdeye wierdeye wierdeyes wonkyeyes stayweird creepy creepyeyes creepygirl creepygirlsdoitbetter 3стихиикрым
When you can look at 2 different things at the same time #weirdeyes
@puglifemagazine @pugsofinstagram #pugsofinstagram #pugsoftheday #puglife #pugsofig #lovepugs #puglifemagazine #pugpuppy #puppy #puglifemag #dogsofinstagram #puglovers #dogsofmelbourne #pugsofmelbourne #pugsofaustralia #dogsofaustralia #pug #puppylove #love #pugs #puglife #pets #chien #carlin #carlino #chiot #melbourne #australia #portmelbourne #beach
"My eye itches when I equalize, look." - Whuuut
Some people leak air from their nose through the tear ducts into their eye when equalizing. It looks strange but at least they might never get a mask squeeze.
Freediver: @hemafeifei
Another small eyes camera shot. Small eyes small eyes small eyes. I have a small, I have eyes. Ah, small eyes. Lalalaaaaaa.... I am a freaking crazy small eyes Asian. Small eyes are perfect. Perfect, understand?
#camera #headshots #smalleyes #supersmalleyes #blackeyes #scene #evileye #minieyes #chinkyeye #weirdeyes #eyes #eyephoto #cantopenmyeyes