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Clarissa Maxy
Harga : 125.000
Bahan : Moscrepe aplikasi renda mutiara
Ukuran : All Size Fit to L ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Mau dapet potongan harga yuk beli minimal;
• Beli 6pcs discount 2rb/pcs
• Beli 12pcs discount 3rb/pcs •
Foto hanya referensi, kemiripan 90-95%
Untuk Info dan Pemesanan.
•Whatsaapp 0896.5635.9405 / 0821.2843.8292 No Call
Yuk diorder sebelum kehabisan☺
Happy shopping
Proses Pengiriman :
H+1 setelah Transfer
Via : JNE, J&T, SICEPAT dari Bandung
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Kita tidak pernah tau rezeki datang dari mana..
Tugas kita hanya memaksimalkan usaha dan jeli melihat setiap peluang yang datang..
Ahamdulillah Hafiz Doll ternyata menjadi salah satu jalan kami menjemput rezeki..Ada yang mau mencoba menjemput rezeki dari berjualan Hafiz Doll?
Open Reseller...
More info:
Wa 0856-9752-1832
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Sarimbit 59 dusty pink
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Diskon 10-20%
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Yang mau diskon segera merapat
Klik link di bio yaa
Atau WA 0857 4855 6641
In an effort to spread the Posh love and highlight some amazing fellow insta closets, I am going to start a new weekly closet highlight series!
One day each week I will showcase 10 AMAZING closets in my daily stories by doing the following:
highlight one listing from each closet (quick video of the entire listing)
put a direct link to these closets using the swipe up feature!
(That way anyone who falls in love with theses item can purchase it right away Amazing, right?! )
Want your closet to be featured?! Make sure to follow me and keep an eye on my daily stories! I will announce what day I’m highlighting closets, will give a specific theme (this past week was BLUE listings) and will ask for you to tag me in your favorite applicable listing. That’s it! The first 10 people who tag me (or share their item to me) on Poshmark will be featured. Please make sure to let me know your IG handle as well if it’s different from your Posh name ☺️ Know someone who’d like to be featured? Tag them below so they don’t miss out!
I know that people have different schedules so I will make sure to announce it at different days/times so that everyone has a fair shot!
What do you think of this idea?! I’m always looking for new ways to give back to the insta/posh community so if you have any other ideas, please share!
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#poshmark #poshboss #poshmarkapp #poshmarkstyle #poshmarklife #resellercommunity #poshmarkcloset #poshmarktips #poshpackages #poshmarkambassador #poshmarklove #poshmarkcommunity #reseller #resellerlife #resellerwelcome #welcomereseller #onlinereseller #shopmycloset #resellers #resellerlife #poshmarkstyle #poshmark #thrifter #thriftstorefinds #thrift #thrifted #thriftedfashion