wewearwhatwewant plussizefashion plussize effyourbeautystandards goldenconfidence bodypositive psootd curvygirl ootd plussizeboutique curvyfashion curvynstyle plussizefashionista vacationmode biggirlsrock bigsgirlsdoitbetter celebratemysize curvynation curvynsexy doitfortheculture fatshion islandvibes juicygoddess loveyourself plussizegoals tcfstyle thickandcurvy thickems thickthighssavelives vacationstyle plussizes
Model Monday Amazon just started a Plus Size Clothing line and I am Officially their Plus Size Fit Model!! This is HUGE!! Never thought I would book an account this BIG unexpectedly. I have the honor of building the foundation of Plus Size clothing through one of the Biggest, Most Lucrative Companies in the World!! Call me the CEO of Fit cause I’m working it❤️ .
Special thanks to Jesus, and my agents Marcy and B!! Love you guys❤️❤️❤️
#blessings #thankyoujesus #gabbyfits #lifeofafitmodel #fitmodellife #statemgmt
A beautiful floral blouse will always be very appropriate for spring, and if you combine it with a flattering white pants, much better.
#curveslevel10 #celebratemysize #curvyfashion #bodypositive #plussizeoutfit #plussizefashion #effyourbeautystandards #fullfigured #stylehasnosize #beautybeyondsize #wewearwhatwewant #modaplussize #ootdfashion #curvywoman #goldenconfidence
I figured today would be the best time to share our first campaign! I love @bigfigmattress and was so excited to shoot with them. If it wasn't for @readytostare I wouldn't have met this incredible team. Its brings me joy that they use people that look like their customers. I love seeing so much diversity in their ads. And I'm happy to see us! Shooting with Addison was so easy. I thought he was going to be nervous but he did so well. We have had so many adventures and it's our third Valentine's Day together. We don't make a big deal out of today because we make everyday special. I never knew someone could love and support me so much. He's a strong man to be able to keep up with my giant personality. I've been through a lot and he has held me tight through it all. I found myself and then I found him. #FindYourAddison(miss you @mck_clark12 !): @clockwork9
#psootd #psmodel #bodypositive #fatshion #fashionforwardplus #goldenconfidence #visiblyplussize #tcfstyle #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #plusmodelmag #pmmlovemybody #celebratemysize #WeWearWhatWeWant #FatNerd #psblogger #loveislove #valentines #bigfigmattress
It’s Officially Spring! .
Happy Spring my loves!!! It’s officially the season of skirts and sandals (and sneezing, lets be honest ). I’m celebrating the beginning of spring with a mini beach trip with my honey! How are you celebrating spring? (A cocktail, a picnic, spring cleaning?).
Spruce up your wardrobe for spring with @jessica_london_style ! This dress, handbag and sandals are all Jessica London! They have it all! .
#jessicalondonstyle #imwithjessica
I don't think you're ready for this jelly
swipe ➡️ .
Can we just talk about VBL (visible belly line) for a min? I don't usually post photos that show my 'pouch' - not because I don't want to, I just don't take photos from the side AND I don't usually wear anything figure-hugging (although you can see me in all my glory on YouTube). But in the second photo I look cute AF and I am embracing my VBL. Catch me doing a hella lot more of that in the future
Another year older today and I feel so blessed. Who knew that my nerdy plus sized self would have these incredible opportunities to get dolled up, wearing beautiful clothes and be photographed. Thank you everyone for being so awesome and supportive! Dress: @pinupgirlclothing Laura Byrnes Gilda Dress.... Photographer: @heidicalvert_photo MUAH: @samandapaz Hair Color @teacupmermaid #coutureforeverybody #pinupgirlclothing #pinup #bodypositive #plussize #plusisequal #ic360curvypick #jamesdean #curvyfashion #plussizeasian #andigetdressed #wewearwhatwewant #plussizeootd #sizeperfect #daretowear #boldandcurvy #stylehasnosize #honormycurves #curvynstyle #boldncurvy #curvywomen #curvasian #unitedunderfashion #plusmodelmag #birthday
Spring? Is that you baby girl? Where have you been you sweet baby angel from heaven!? .
I’m shooting a bunch of new spring fashion content this week and I’m so pumped to share it with y’all! What’s your favorite part about spring? For me it’s sandals! My toes can be free!!! ❤️.
Fit: @jessica_london_style .
#imwithjessica #jessicalondonstyle #ad #sponsored
About last night....
: @cassonada .
#45Alive #CelebrateMySize #Shoedazzlegirl #WeWearWhatWeWant #FatGirlsBeWinning #plussizeblogger #goldenconfidence #curvygirlsrock #mystylishcurves #bbbg #fullfigured_fashion #plussizevixen #plussizestylewatch #plussizefashion #boldncurvy #plussizeootd #blackgirlmagic #stylehasnosize #daretowear #agelessstyle #TCFStyle #youbelongnow #browngirlbloggers #TOCN #psvillain