wewillwin africandiaspora atlanta brooklyn aaprp africanliberationday africanliberationday2019 africanunity allafricanpeoplesrevolutionaryparty baltimore chicago cincinnati ghana guineabissau kenya mamaafrica oakland organize ourproblemsoursolutions panafrican southafrica toronto trinidad washington zimbabwe financialintelligence regrann buildrealwealth redarmypb
While I cherish any moment I get to hold her in my arms while she’s resting, THIS is one of those bitter sweet moments. Having a child that suffers from a chronic illness is beyond heart wrenching. While most other kids can just go and go without feeling anything but happiness, mine is tortured with constantly feeling nauseated, dizzy, achy, tired, and just plain crappy. Somehow, she has managed to remain the most kind, sweet, funny, and GRATEFUL child I may have ever met. She’s definitely one of the strongest kids I know! Swimming is one of the few FUN physical activities we can get away with right now... so any chance we get, we will... even if we end up paying for it afterwards! We’re hopeful that one of these trips to FL to visit her specialist here will be the magic that helps get her health and body close to what most others may take for granted. Until then, her Momma and I will just keep praying and fighting for her. •
#soinlove #daddyslittlegirl #grateful #potssyndrome #interstitialcystitis #celiacdisease #nomoreplease #positive #hopeful #fighting #wewillwin ❤️ #midge #lovebug
ഇന്നലെ മരിച്ച് വീണാ ഒരോ ജവാനും വേണ്ടി നമ്മൾ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നത് മറ്റൊരു സർജിക്കൽ സട്രൈക്ക് തന്നെയാണ് ... We will bloody hell finish it ... മരിച്ചാ ഒരോ ജവാനും ആദരാഞ്ജലികൾ #surgicalstrike #indian #indianarmy #prayforthem #attack #proudtobeindian #army #armystrong #indianarmylovers #revenge #kL51ottapalamkaran #salute #keepcalm #wewillwin
The Egg has hatched.... help us beat the new world record that is held by the Egg (currently 53 million likes) We can do it, share and like this and we will hold the new Record. We will over throw the Egg.
#chickgang #sharethechick #likethechick
#letsdoit #chicks #wewillwin #eggssuck
#wearebetter #Chickfam #joinus
#jointhechick #WorldrecordChickwillwin