whyalpaca alpaca alpacaisalifestyle grupoinca finestfibre handmade kuna softness babyalpaca clothing pacomarca garments menwear inspiration unique womenwear accessories artetextil black feelthehandsoftheandes kunastores newarrivals newcollection alpacafibre fallwinter2019 blackalpaka fallwinter alpacalover silk sustainablefibre phoenixfibrearts
:: FEEL :: Discover the textile legacy of the Andes in our Fall Winter'19 collection.
:: Descubre el legado textil de los Andes con nuestra colección Fall Winter'19.
Left: Sweater / Suéter: Timoteo
Right: Coat / Abrigo: Treinta - Scarf / Chalina: Taupa
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: FEEL :: Enjoy our Fall Winter'19 collection and surround yourself with the uniquely detailed fashions that harmonize with the vitality of the Andes.
:: Disfruta de nuestra colección Fall Winter'19 y envuélvete con las prendas de singulares detalles, que armonizan con la vitalidad de los Andes.
Coat / Saco: Tambo
Hat / Gorro: Faida
Gloves / Guantes: Tempo
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: FEEL :: Surround yourself with the detailed styles that evoke the tranquillity of the Andes found in our Fall Winter'19 collection.
:: Envuélvete con las prendas y sus detalles que evocan la tranquilidad de los Andes, a través de nuestra colección Fall Winter'19.
Cape / Capa: Think
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: FEEL :: Feel the soft hug of fine baby alpaca fibres and delight in the details of the fashions from our Fall Winter'19 collection. Now available in our stores!
:: Siente el abrazo de las suaves y finas fibras de baby alpaca y deléitate con los detalles de las prendas de nuestra colección Fall Winter'19. ¡Disponible en nuestras tiendas!
Dress / Vestido: Reyes
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: MOTHER'S DAY :: You'll always find the best protection in the world in Mom's arms. Give a hug with the warmth of the fibres that surround her with love.
Visit kuna.com.pe
:: El mejor abrigo del mundo siempre lo encontrarás en los brazos de mamá. Regálale un abrazo con la calidez de las fibras que cobijan amor.
Visita kuna.com.pe
#KUNA #MothersDay #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: FEEL :: Explore the authentic textile heritage encapsulated in the elegant and uniquely designed fashions of our Fall Winter'19 collection. Now available in our stores!
:: Explora la genuina herencia textil puesta en las elegantes prendas de diseños únicos de nuestra colección Fall Winter'19. ¡Disponible en nuestras tiendas!
Left: Jacket / Casaca: Nadrian
Right: Coat / Abrigo: Tadore
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: FEEL :: Surround yourself with the colours that evoke the magic and mystery of the Andean Lliclla, one of the most influential symbols of age-old Peruvian textiles.
:: Envuélvete en los colores que evocan la magia y misterio de la Lliclla andina, una de los más importantes representantes de la milenaria textilería peruana. ·
Chalina / Scarf: Tris
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter
:: FEEL :: Flaunt the refined styles that capture the purity and vitality of the Andes, part of our Fall Winter'19 collection.
:: Luce las prendas de corte refinado que capturan la pureza y vitalidad de los Andes, parte de nuestra colección Fall Winter'19.
Left: Coat / Abrigo: Tadore
Middle: Jacket / Casaca: Nadrian
Right: Coat / Abrigo: Tassira - Shawl / Pashmina: Teresa
#KUNA #FallWinter2019 #FeeltheHandsoftheAndes #Finestfibre #KUNAStores #Alpaca #Silk #Alpacaisalifestyle #Whyalpaca #Babyalpaca #Clothing #Garments #Handmade #Colours #Colourinspiration #Softness #Unique #Alpacafibre #Inspiration #Accessories #Menwear #Womenwear #Newarrivals #ArteTextil #NewCollection #FallWinter