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NHL Attendance for the away games in the 2018 - 2019 nhl season -
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Well it took me almost 2 years but I finally finished this sword. This was quite the endeavour, and since so much time went between stages I often found myself correcting mistakes i had made in the prior stage that I had made because I hadn’t done that particularly technique before. But here it is. Roman Gladius from 5160 Spring Steel, wenge grip with East Indian Rosewood guard and pommel, threaded tang screwed into a nut set into the pommel. This thing is tight and I’m pretty excited to have finished it. I think I may have been bitten by the sword bug... it’s not perfect but it’s the best work i can do and I’m really proud of how far I’ve come in my blacksmithing journey. Last week marked 4 years since i started forging blades and I’ve learned a lot, made lots of mistakes, and had a ton of fun. It’s been rewarding, challenging, frustrating, meditative, and all of the above. All in all it’s a pretty crazy hobby that always keeps me on the edge of my toes and Im very thankful that I have the opportunity to experience my passion. I think i might take a crack at a scabbard for this guy tomorrow and hopefully will have it done in time for the Manitoba Night Market this Sunday at the @assiniboiadowns . Come on down if you want to take a look at this sword, or some of my old or new products, I’ll have a ton of knives, as well as some hooks, decorations, and some jewelry, so come on down to see all the vendors, food trucks, live music, and a great fun Sunday evening.
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Кучеров мощным броском разбил лицо голкиперу
Нападающий «Тампы» Никита Кучеров пушечным броском пробил маску вратарю «Джетс» Коннору Хеллебайку
Эпизод произошел в минувшем сезоне НХЛ.
Голкипер получил рассечение и был вынужден покинуть площадку, чтобы обратиться за медицинской помощью. Позже американец вернулся на лед с зашитой раной и доиграл матч до конца, отразив 32 броска из 36, но не смог спасти свою команду от поражения (2:5)⚡️
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