woollymammoth mammoth mammothtusk trippy woollymammothwoolenco бивеньмамонта ceecee
You know what day it is?!?
#whiskeyandgrits #whenwhiskeywasatinypup
#cutestpupper #woollymammoth #suchsweetness #cutestpuppy #growingboy #gwpofinstagram #gwpoftheday #germanwirehairedpointer #germanwiredhairpointer #germanwirehairedpointerpuppy #germanwiredhair #germanpointer #whiskey #germanshorthairedpointer #whiskeytime #gspofinstagram #gspoftheday #gsplove #fuzzywuzzy #cutenessoverload #whiskeylover #mommysbaby #whiskeygirl
Little heartthrob
#cutenessoverload #whiskeyandgrits
#cutestpupper #woollymammoth #suchsweetness #cutestpuppy #growingboy #gwpofinstagram #gwpoftheday #germanwirehairedpointer #germanwiredhairpointer #germanwirehairedpointerpuppy #germanwiredhair #germanpointer #whiskey #germanshorthairedpointer #whiskeytime #gspofinstagram #gspoftheday #gsplove #fuzzywuzzy #whiskeylover #mommysbaby #whiskeygirl
"This Is America" a.k.a (Bangin' Down the Block) 18x18 inches acrylic on canvas, my pulp apocalyptic piece where barbarian herdsmen and fellow warrioresses rise up out of the ghetto, whoo ridin' woolly mammoths down wall street bringing about the fall of the American Empire, reminiscent of the sacking of Rome by Hannibal of Carthage on the backs of elephants to the Mongol invasions by native tribesmen striking terror across the lands. This piece pays homage to the lowbrow & graffiti art movement I got my start in on Melrose throughout the wild 80s & 90s and I had such a great time painting it for the @staticmedium curated group show at @galleries1988 opening this Friday! #metaphysicalsurrealism #hyperborea #earthpeople #futureprimitive #thisisamerica #stoneage #stonerage #woollymammoth #barbarella #melrose
A herd of woolly mammoths enjoy summer grazing on the Siberian
grasslands. These large herbivores dominated the northern hemisphere
until only a few thousand years ago thriving in such numbers that they
shaped the landscape by keeping the forests at bay and creating the
so-called ‘mammoth steppe’. Appearing in Walking with Dinosaurs, Walking with Beasts, sea Monsters and Prehistoric Park #walkingwithdinosaurs #walkingwith #dinosaurs #beasts #mammoth #mammuthus #woollymammoth
Here two male Woolly Mammoths fight for supremacy during an ice age summer. They evolved at the start of the ice ages 2 million years ago and lasted until just 6000 years ago when climate change and predation by man drove them to extinction. Appearing in Walking with Beasts, Walking with Dinosaurs, Sea Monsters and prehistoric park #walkingwith #dinosaurs #beasts #seamonsters #walkingwithdinosaurs #mammuthus #prehistoric #woollymammoth