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This isn’t normally the kind of thing I would post, but it is writing related. For me anyway. -
I spend so much time researching items that my characters interact with, from glassware to items of clothing. Learning the names of the things is the difference between a character wearing a scarf or wearing a shawl. Or in this case, drinking from a glass or a champagne flute. -
Does anyone else spend hours upon hours searching for the names of things?
Truer words have never been said! Do you find yourself waiting for perfection? Or do you keep pushing through? ⠀⠀⠀⠀
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If writing and marketing a book was easy, we'd all be NYT best selling authors. It's meant to be hard - and it's so worth it! ✨ If you don't know how to do something or if you're struggling, let us know! If you don't know where to start, head over to our website - MixtusMedia.com. We have TONS of free information there waiting for you. You've got this! ⠀⠀⠀
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Just trying to be helpful! ⠀⠀
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To follow up from what I posted last week - What Not To Say To Writers - heres something I found - How To Seduce A Writer.
We should support fellow writers, not belittle or put them down. Writing is a long, hard, and lonely affair as it is. It’s nice to hear others believing in you - especially when often we don’t believe in ourselves. You don’t even have to spend a dime to support a writer, you can always just give us constructive criticism, engage with our posts on social media or best yet - review our books (that makes our entire day!) -
Anything else we can do to support, and seduce, writers?
This is such an inventive and cruel idea! Something I would love to do.
The Pokemon games do this (Red/Blue, Gold/Silver etc) and their sales skyrocket each time! The movie Clue also released multiple endings to different cinemas, inspiring viewers to go back and re-watch it. Loads of movies have alternate ending included in their Blu-Ray extras too. I don’t know of any books that have different endings per edition, but I would give a book like this a read!
What other inventive ideas would be cool to try with books?