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#yahusha #yahuah #bible #sabbath #torah #yhwh #truth #christ #christian #hebrewisraelites #holyspirit #faith #israel #shabbat #shabbatshalom #yahawah #yahawashi #yahweh #bibleverse #blessed #christianity #godisgood #heaven #holy #hope #jesus #jesuschrist #judah #life

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #YAHUSHA
#yahusha #yahushahamashyach #yahushamessiah #yahushahamashiach #yahushabeliever #yahushasaves #yahushaisking #yahushamashyak #yahushavsjesus #yahushavschrist #yahushadiedforoursins #yahushaisyahuah #yahushaistheonlywaytothefather #yahushathemessiah #yahushadoes #yahushahamashiyach #yahushaiscoming #yahushaineedyou #yahushahamashiac #yahushadiedforus #yahushalives #yahushaistruth #yahushahamasiach #yahushaistheonlyway #yahushavsyahshua #yahushaspeaks #yahushaourmessiah

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

This lady is more aware than most of you!!!! . ♻ from @theshadowwatchman - #Yahuah #Yahusha #FTP #JewWorldOrder #Zionism #NewWorldOrder #FuckTheSystem #Anarchy #Amerikkka #Poetry #Poem #TweeGram #AdremoChrome #InstaGood #Love #MetalHead @nathan11.11

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

Leviticus 7:21 - Moreover the soul that shall touch any unclean thing, as the uncleanness of man, or any unclean beast, or any abominable unclean thing, and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace offerings, which pertain unto יהוה, even that soul shall be cut off from His people - #DietaryLaws #Unclean #Abomination #LawsStatutesCommandments #Turah #LawKeepers #TruthSeekers #Levitcus #TrueYahudym #Yahuah #Yahusha #YahushaHaMashyach #TribeOfYahudah #Yahudah #APTTMH #Torah #12Tribes

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

If your husband isn't leading you to YAHUAH and guiding you towards YAHUSHA, then the marriage will amount to nothing, end in disaster and be doomed to fail. YAHUAH AND YAHUSHA are the Head of the Marriage and the Very Basis, Structure, and Foundation for the marriage itself for both the husband and wife. ➡️: Timotiyos Alaph (1 Timothy)‬ ‭3:1-5‬ ‭TS2009 “Trustworthy is the word: If a man longs for the position of an overseer, he desires a good work. An overseer, then, should be blameless, the husband of one wife, sober, sensible, orderly, kind to strangers, able to teach, not given to wine, no brawler, but gentle, not quarrelsome, no lover of silver, one who rules his own house well, having his children in subjection with all reverence, for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how shall he look after the assembly of Almighty (YAHUAH)?” ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ‭‭Eph`siyim (Ephesians)‬ ‭5:22-33‬ ‭TS2009 “Wives, subject yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Master. Because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Messiah is head of the assembly, and He is Saviour of the body. But as the assembly is subject to Messiah, so also let the wives be to their own husbands in every respect. Husbands, love your wives, as Messiah also did love the assembly and gave Himself for it, in order to separate it apart and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, in order to present it to Himself a splendid assembly, not having spot or wrinkle or any of this sort, but that it might be separated and blameless. In this way husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but feeds and cherishes it, as also the Master does the assembly. Because we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. “For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This secret is great, but I speak concerning Messiah and the assembly. However, you too, everyone, let each one love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she fears her husband.”

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

❤❤❤❤Happy Sabbath!!!❤❤❤ Colossians 3:23 states: Do your work willingly, as though you were serving The Most High Himself, and not just your earthly master. Colossians 3:23 CEV ❤❤❤ #hebrew #israelites #tmh #blackbrother #blacksister #blackchurch #melanin #theshaderoom #blackfolks #blackgirls #blackboys #tsr #worldstar #blackmom #black #blacklove #naturalhair #blackchristians #minorities #blacklivesmatter #worldstarhiphopvideos, #blacklawyers #blackmentalhealthmatters #blackfolksbelike #blacklivesmatter #yah #yahusha #hiphopentertainment #cardib #blackcomedy #kountrywayne

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

Rest Whitney.. - YARMAYAHU (jeremiah) 28:11-14 11. ‘For I know the plans I am planning for you,’ declares YAHUAH, plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and an expectancy. - 12. Then you shall call on Me, and shall come and pray to Me, and I shall listen to you. - 13. And you shall seek Me, and shall find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. - 14. And I shall be found by you, declares YAHUAH, and I shall turn back your captivity, and shall gather you from all the gentiles and from all the places where I have driven you, declares YAHUAH. And I shall bring you back to the place from which I have exiled you. - #WhitneyHouston #Hebrew #HebrewIsraelites #Truth #Israel #JordanRiver #Yahuah #Yahusha #YahushaHaMashyach #Turah #Torah #Yasharal #ChildrenOfIsrael #12Tribes #HouseOfIsrael #HebrewsToNegroes #TruthSeekers #SeekYahuah

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

It's amazing how #YAHUSHA was spot on with this statement. I know that Nipsey was not in Covenant with THE ALMIGHTY ONE #YAHUAH but surely that did not take away from HIS use of him. Nipsey showed love, support, provided opportunities for, gave back to his people who he recognized are systematically oppressed, and disinfranchised. Having been one who so called "made it", I've never in any commentary, or interview of his, seen Nipsey despise, reject, belittle, or sell out his people but did quite the contrary and spoke words of upliftment, and value according to his understanding. No, Nipsey did not acknowledge AB #YAHUAH by NAME, and I don't know if he knew THE NAME but in my observance, I've seen that not knowing Torah, Nipsey still exhibited love for his brother/neighbor, and our people as if it were his own self. Remember that The Torah and the Prophets hang on two Commands, and that is surely one of them. Surely in that regard we can all learn. May AB #YAHUAH Will be done in this situation, and going forward. We must all as a people seek first the Kingdom of THE ALMIGHTY ONE AB #YAHUAH, and HIS Righteousness. I admire this brother for his willingness to speak up, & stand up but we must all realize that our people have never won anything battle, or war without the covering and favoured of THE ALMIGHTY ONE #YAHUAH. Many of our people are attempting to battle against a system that man cannot defeat alone but if only we would return to obedience to THE ALMIGHTY ONE AB #YAHUAH in THE NAME of HIS SON #YAHUSHA HA'MASHYAKH, HE will battle for us. Stop warring against one another brother's & sisters & return to who you are via obedience Yashar'AL(Israel). Read Deuteronomy Chapter 30 for a Scriptural reference on that in which I speak. The Dry Bones are shaking(Ezekial 33)! Wake Up! - - - 24 And HE said, “Truly, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country.•Lukas/Luke 4:24• - - #YAHUAH #YAHUSHA #YasharAL #Hebrew #12Tribes #NipseyHustle #NipseyHussle #EricHolder #Torah #Truth

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

It’s not His fault. He is responsible for judging and harshly punishing nations that fall into murder, child sacrifice, rape, hate and foul sin. But He isn’t to blame for this. This one’s on us.

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

#BookofEnoch, I’ll try to condense this as best I can. Enoch was from the 7th generation of #Adam, great grandfather of Noah, and walked with God (#Genesis 5:24). Many debate over the validity of the book of #Enoch (which should be based on your own conclusions looking at both sides of the argument), it is found in the Ethiopian Bible, and can be supported in a couple places of scripture. Why would a disciple (Epistle of Jude) of Yahusha (Jesus) quote from a book calling Enoch a true prophet and then later say it be decided as not an inspired work of The Most High? Why were books removed from the Bible? And condensed down to 66? Remember the significance of 6. #Latin Vulgate has 76, Septuagint has 79, Ethiopian has 81, Dead Sea Scrolls have 200+, etc. Who decides what is canonical? The Roman Catholic Church. But back to the subject. Enoch mentions 7 particular #fallen angels who came down to earth for the purpose of cohabitation with the daughters of men (Genesis 6:1-2). The names of these angels are found in chapter 18, Azazel being a main one, and it’s said these 7 taught men evil things, spells, rituals, men the art of #war and women the art of deception. The women eventually had children (giants) that turned on man. The watchers pushed man further into corruption, and Yah sent to have them imprisoned. “And there I saw seven stars of the #heaven bound together in it, like great mountains burning with fire. This place until consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars...” (Chapters 21 and 18). #What constellation has seven stars? The Pleiades. The same system that new age ‘alien contactees’ want you to channel for communication. As we know, aliens are fallen angels or demons. The #Greeks also have a very similar story about the Pleiades called the seven sisters, with gods mating with earthly women. What is one of Aleister Crowley’s famous quotes? “Every man and every woman is a star.” And it should be noted Freemasons have a “Royal Arch of Enoch.” Just some thoughts. #NewWorldOrder #Yahuah #Yahusha #extinguishthelight #pizzagate

Хештеги на тему #YAHUSHA

Yahuah has not forsaken those that seek him in His Holy Name. Psalm 9:10 ▫ ▫Yahuah/YAH; the living God of all creation ▫ #yahuah #yahusha #proverbs31 #hebrewisraelites #godisgoodallthetime #godisfaithful #proverbs31woman #womanofgod #womenofgod #hebrews #highlyfavored #faithingod #israelites #manofgod #shabbatshalom #headwraps #supportyourown

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