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Şarkıdan bir söz bırakalım #canbonomo
#tastamam#hikayembitmedi #bulunmamgerek #meczup #asktanvegariplikten #kalbugün #banabirsazverin #resminigörünce #erkeklerdeağlar #iyikidoğdun #alibaba #alternatifrock #alternatifmüzik #rock #rockmuzik #bagimsizrock #bagimsizmuzik
I used to think meditation ♀️ was all about just turning your mind off. I thought “But I turn my head off when I sleep at night. What good is it doing me to do it when I am awake other than just sitting here doing nothing?” It wasn’t until I learned that there is far far more to it than I was previously aware of, that I finally truly started seeing the real benefits. It can actually be productive and truly healing. To fully get outside of ourselves and live our best lives, we must first go inward and learn better who we are. ☀️
#health #dermatoloji #derionar #egzama #egzamatedavisi #mantarhastal #u #yan #gezg #man #erkek #kad #woman #children #do #mucizeya #onar #bannatynenorwich #aworldofwellness #wellness #bannatyne #fitness #gym #fit #workout #fitnessmotivation #motivation #bodybuilding #fitfam #training
Some days just go perfectly to plan .. these days I treasure most .. my girls are growing up so fast & becoming independent, free thinking intelligent kind caring girls .. it’s important to let them take chances, make choices & just simply support their ideas .. because no matter how far they travel in life .. a mothers love is always there right their safe in their hearts .. @marli_duncan88
#family #familia #mygirls #sisters #bbfs
#sisterhood #motherhood #travel
#living #learning #makingmistakes #growingup #alwaysmybaby
#yin #yan #grateful #thankful #love
#newcastle #nsw #australia