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Sierra Nevada Hop Hunter IPA.
Nice yellow colored beer with a three finger high, white head.
Floral, grain, pine, citrus, grass, bread and grapefruit.
Medium body. Bitter ending.
Great IPA from Sierra Nevada!
Thanks for the nice glassware @wicked_wine_club My rating: 3.75 of 5.
#SierraNevadaBrewing #Chico #California #USA #IndiaPaleAle #IPA
➡️➡️➡️➡️ Today celebrates my 5th year in the brewing industry. In a previous life I was a lab technician at University of Michigan hospital, and while that job was lucrative, it was also soul crushing. I had met such great folk over the years at breweries & beer festivals that I thought I’d make the career change.
I started as an assistant brewer at @grizzlypeakbrewingco but found my passion for the craft in the cellar at @jollypumpkin.
I’ve traveled the country and have enjoyed some of the best beers the US has to offer & met some truly excellent human beings in the process.
Cheers to another five years gentle readers, & mahalo plenty for your support.
#brewerylife #cellar #cip #beerstagram #beergeek #fiveyears #beerisart #beerisscience #lovemyjob #dailyhose #hops #yeast #water #malt #sourbiere #ipa #stout #bourbonbarrelaged #foederaged #barrelaged #lambic #paleale #bulldog #grizzlypeakbrewing #northpeakbrewing #jollypumpkinartisanales #pipeworksbrewing #centeroftheuniversebrewing
Selbstgebackene Milchbrötchen und dazu eine Erdbeer-Tonka-Marmelade, wie klingt das für euch? Wenn Ihr Lust auf ein erprobtes Rezept mit Hefe habt, dann klickt euch rüber auf den Blog. #f52grams #ichliebefoodblogs #foodistasontour #lifeandthyme #rezeptebuchcom #frühstück #breakfast #baking #hefe #yeast #allyouneedis
Esta semana foi incrível , tanta coisa boa e nova que aprendi. Comecei com um workshop e já no final da semana tenho o próximo quase concluído, dei vida a um novo fermento de trigo, trabalhei pela primeira vez com trigo t80, descobri que existem farinhas não corrigidas e outras corrigidas, descobri a importância de uma “autolise” e levei a maior lição de vida com uma das massas que fiz , onde baixinho eu sinto que ela dizia: “Tudo o que é bom nesta vida leva tempo a ser construído Luiz”. Aos Interessados ainda restam 2 vagas para o próximo workshop do dia 1 De julho e negócios à parte , para fechar a semana este belíssimo para o pequeno almoco.
Bom domingo a todos !
Nie ma nic przyjemniejszego niż zapach drożdżowego ciasta rozchodzący się po domu
Ciasto drożdżowe z rabarbarem, malinami i cynamonową kruszonką. Przepis na ciasto podpatrzony u @obiaddlataty
#domoweciasto #drożdżowe #kruszonka #rabarbar #maliny #cake #ciasto #ciastonaniedzielę #cynamon #drozdzowe #domowewypieki #mojewypieki #mojewypieki #pieczemy #kochampiec #feedfeed #tradycyjnewypieki #dolci #rhubarb #cakes #cakeblog #polskiewypieki #crumble #raspberry #lamponi #lievito #yeast #yeastcake