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Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #YIDDISH
#yiddish #yiddishesimchas #yiddishkeit #yiddishkitchen #yiddishproverb #yiddishmusic #yiddishtheater #yiddishfiddler #yiddishfood #yiddishsongs #yiddishemame #yiddishtheatre #yiddishswag #yiddishland #yiddishnachas #yiddishwords #yiddishquotes #yiddishproverbs #yiddishbookcenter #yiddishmamma #yiddishnewyork #yiddishlanguage #yiddishreloaded #yiddishemama #yiddishkayt #yiddishsong #yiddishliterature #yiddishchutzpah #yiddishsoul #yiddishtothefinish

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

Miałam wielką przyjemność ilustrować Antologię poetek jidysz. "Moja dzika koza" wydawnictwa @austeriabooks ❤ Jestem bardzo szczęśliwa bo jest to dla mnie swego rodzaju ilustratorski debiut. I had great pleasure to illustrate Antology of yiddish female poets. By @austeriabooks ❤ It is kind of illustration debut for me, so I'm filled with joy - #illustration #illustratedbook #polishillustration #ilustrace #ilustracja #poetry #poezja #mojadzikakoza #aleksandraczudżak #czudżak #illustrate #jewishpoetry #yiddish #judaistyka #austeria #femalepoetry #womenwhodraw #bookdesign #book #graphicdesign #ksiazka #książka

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️Readers ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Ho visto in libreria questi due libri e sono indecisa quale prendere! Ora, non ditemi tutti... TUTTI E DUE... Dai, aiutatemi a scegliere! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Qui di seguito qualche elemento dei due libri... ➡️ LE BASI PROPRIO DELLA GRAMMATICA Se il libro di grammatica delle elementari è sepolto dalla polvere in solaio questo libro è un prontuario semplice e divertente per tutti, dai grandi scrittori ai poveri corteggiatori on line. ➡️ LA LINGUA CHE VISSE DUE VOLTE Anna Linda Callow racconta questa avventurosa epopea con la conoscenza della studiosa e il gusto dell'esploratrice: ci inizia alla lettura di un alfabeto affascinante e misterioso, ci fa scoprire vicende epiche come quella di Eliezer Ben Yehuda, che compilò un monumentale dizionario e allevò il primo bambino ebraicofono dalla nascita dopo secoli, ci conduce per mano attraverso splendide pagine di letteratura, e ci fa viaggiare nel tempo e nello spazio immergendoci in una cultura in cui tutti noi affondiamo le radici. ⁉️⁉️Qualcuno li ha letti? Mi suggerite quale prendere? #manolotrinci #lebasipropriodellagrammatica #bompianieditore #grammaticaitaliana #bbi019 #leggerechepassione #letture #reading #lalinguachevisseduevolte #garzanti #ebraico #ebraismo #culturaebraica #pickbook10 #bookloverita #letturedelmese #bibliophile #leggeremania #libribelli #amoleggere #igbooks #lettureindimenticabili #always2k19 #yiddish #bookphotography #libriamoci #literature

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

I spent my weekend in Lviv where I've found some very nice ghostsigns! . A hosszú húsvéti hétvégét kihasználva volt szerencsém az egyik kedvenc városomban, az ukrajnai Lembergben (Lviv) utazni. Lemberget gyakran a „kelet Bécsének” emlegetik és itt erősen érződik a nosztalgia a múlt iránt. Mivel a szemem már eléggé ki van élezve, sikerült is találnom nagyon érdekes „jeleket a múltból”, amik felidézik ennek a most Ukrajnában található városnak lengyel és zsidó történelmét. . . . #lviv #lemberg #lwów #lwow #ukraine #ghostsign #ghostsigns #ghostsignbusters #ghostsignspotting #yiddish #jewish #typography #paintdecay #peelingpaintporn #oldpaint #patina_perfection #primepeel #palimpsest #palimpseste #signgeeks #oldsign #historicgraffiti #historicgraffiti #streetart #oldstreetart #urbandecay #urbex #urbanphotography #urbexphotography #urbanarcheology

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

Language: English via Yiddish Forms: adjective Phonetic pronunciation: [fur-klem-pt] ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To describe someone as verklempt is to say they’re completely overcome with emotion. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For example, “He was totally verklempt over the news of his father; I’d never seen him so upset.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A linguistic newcomer, the word was only coined in 1991. It’s borrowed from the Yiddish “farklemt”, meaning "depressed, grieving”; which in turn is derived from the German “verklemmt”, meaning “pinched, squeezed”. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #verklempt #overcome #upset #emotions #yiddish #lovelostwords #writersofinstagram #amwriting #logophile #writersofig #writersblock #wordstoliveby #writer #writingprompt #author #dictionary #wordaday #wanderlust #learning #creativewriting #wordoftheday #writingcommunity #spilledink

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

I don’t usually wear a magen David (star of David, or “Jewish star”). I think it started as a safety concern, and then just became a force of habit. I didn’t like being Jewish in public. For a while, I didn’t even like being Jewish on Instagram. I chose a pseudonym, “Sarah Day,” that would hide the Jewishness of my surname. I avoided Jewish topics in my art for the first year or so of my public art life. I hid my degree (a B.A. in Jewish Studies) and my former job experiences (5+ years of Jewish experiential education and music). I hid because my white skin generally keeps me safely wrapped in privilege. I hid because I could get away with it. but six months ago, after Pittsburgh, something cracked…and yesterday, after San Diego, something broke. . . yesterday, in my hometown, a woman died diving in front of a bullet fired by a white supremacist to save the life of her rabbi. it was the final day of Pesach, a Jewish celebration of freedom and resistance. it was also Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest and renewal. the congregation that was attacked belongs to a group called Chabad, an Orthodox Jewish group that focuses heavily on providing Jewish spaces for people throughout the diaspora, so that no matter where you are, you always have somewhere to practice, eat, and pray (even if, like me, Orthodox isn’t what you were raised with and isn’t what you practice). Chabad is made up of a global network of welcoming families and was a huge part of my college experience at UCSC. every thursday, I would catch a bus down to the Chabad house to bake and prepare for Shabbat with the Rebbitzen. while I knew I’d never choose Orthodoxy, I was amazed by the ways in which I (as a very liberal Jew) was embraced by this community. what always stood out to me was their willingness to meet me where I was at, to love me despite our differences and disagreements, to make room at the table for all guests—Jews and non-Jews alike. it was about sharing the magic and warmth of Jewish festivals with everyone who wanted to participate. it was about family. (continued in comments) . . . #wewilloutlivethem#sandiego#fuckfascism#fuckantisemitism#jewishactivism#yiddish

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

...... #jewish#jewishvibes#jewishsummercamp#camp#jewishlife#kaoher#kosherfood#frum#religous#yeshiva#sleepaway#pesach#sem70#seminary#israel#birthright#summer#tamid#chabad#hillel#onward#yiddish#bk#monsey#teaneck#lakewood

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

Missing this man a little extra today. Must mean that he is shining down on me a little extra today as well. Love you grandpa❤️ ▪️ Follow @sgildin11 to stay up with my journey! ▪️ Double tap& comment ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ #grandpa #family #love #grandma #grandparents #happy #life #travel #redsilkrobe #patriarch #rip #fatherfigure #navyveteran #humble #friends #boys #partygirl #parenting #onelove #longlife #mygrandpa #jewish #yiddish #missyou #newyork #architect #construction #leadbyexample #untilnexttime #boss

Хештеги на тему #YIDDISH

Shlimazl.⁣ ⁣#word #wordporn #wordgasm #wortees #shlimazl #sfortuna #cronica #yiddish

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