yogadance yoga dance yogainspiration medita dancer dancing yogaflow yogalife yogateacher yogini flow love techno yogaeveryday yogaposes animation classic dubstep dubstepdance hiphop house oldschool poppin trivial yogalifestyle yogapractice fitness yogagirl doskasadhu
Compassion is all inclusive. Compassion knows no boundaries. Compassion comes with awareness, and awareness breaks all narrow territories. .
#yogacommunity #yogaleggings #meditation #yogaposes #yogaforeverybody #yogablog #yogagirls #yogamats #yogapractise #hotyoga #yogahigh #yogadance #yogamitmady #yogacommunity #fitnessyoga #fitnessfreaks #yogaforlife #yogatherapy
What is Yoga? - Yoga is a discipline ⠀
What Yoga helps to develop? - Ability to conduct your own attention. ⠀
What are the benefits of practicing Yoga? - You become hardy both physically and mentally ⠀
What changes in your life first of all? - You stop eating all kinds of nastiness, and find a lot of goodies ⠀ Why does Yoga make you more harmonious? - It teaches to relax properly ⠀ What is needed to start doing Yoga? - Just give it a try! ⠀ ⠀
With love, Cat Shanti!❤️
#cat_shanti #tapayogasystem #yoga #yoflo #yogis #yoflow #yogini #yogance #yogaflow #yogalove #yogadance #lifeform #yogaposes #yogavideo #yogapractice #igyoga #namaste #shanti #myyogalife #mens_yoga #yogaeveryday #йога #yogastretch #yogagoals #йогнутьсяможно #calisthenics #odessayoga
Шавасану надо заслужить! ☺️
#cat_shanti #tapayogasystem #yoga #yoflo #yogis #yoflow #yogini #yogance #yogaflow #yogalove #yogadance #yogaholic #yogaposes #yogavideo #yogapractice #igyoga #namaste #shanti #myyogalife #mens_yoga #yogaeveryday #йога #yogastretch #yogagoals #йогнутьсяможно #calisthenics #odessayoga
Still riding the high from this past weekends @butiyoga Master Trainer Retreat in AZ. So many inspirational humans in one place. So many friendships were foraged. Heart is full.
”If you open the door to the magnetic power of friendship, souls of like vibrations will be attracted to you.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda..
Thanks to
@bizziegold @jennileetoner @antonyoga11 for it all. .
Music: See You
Musician: @iksonofficial
#butiyoga #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #butibliss #yogadance #primalmovement #butisattva #scottsdale #arizona #yogananda #spiral #yogafit #fitness #sweatwithintention