yogaforbeginners yoga yogachallenge journeytobackbending beginneryoga practiceyoga yogaathome yogacommunity igyogachallenge yogafun yogalove learnyoga yogaforall yogainspiration yogapractice yogateacher backbend backbendlove backbends happyyoga inflexibleyogis meditation yogaeverydamnday yogagirl namaste yogaeveryday yogaposes hotorcoldyogis yogamom yogi lityogitribe
100 years old PROVING yoga is the fountain of youth to learn all the modifications and progressions To all the foundational poses of yoga, check out our e-books (link in bio)! Make sure you share this with someone to inspire them and save it so you can remember! Thanks for sharing @taoporchonlynch100 #inflexibleyogis
Salamba sirsasana II
Pode ser treinada com as costas na parede. Empurre uma perna contra a outra e leve o pé em direção ao céu para aliviar o peso da cabeça e braços
5s a 3 min
Acalma a mente e ajuda a aliviar o estresse
Fortalece os braços, pernas e coluna
Tonifica o abdomen
Melhora a digestão
Salamba Sirsasana II
You can try to do with your back to the wall. Push one leg against the other and take your foot skyward to relieve the weight of your head and arms.
5s to 3 mins
Calms the mind and helps relieve stress
Strengthens the arms, legs and spine
Tones the abdomen
Improves digestion
Did you know a weak core Can lead to poor posture, digestive issues, and back pain? Try this to fire up your core, and for more flows, as well as core work and the foundational poses of yoga, with all the modifications and progressions, check out our e-books (Link in bio)! Make sure you save this for your personal practice and share it with someone that could benefit! They will thank you! Thanks for sharing @sar_white #inflexibleyogis
My baby officially turned one in the time since I last posted. Honestly, it’s been so much more emotional than I ever imagined. Remembering, honouring, what I went through to bring him safely into this world. Remembering, cherishing, all the progress that he - that we - have made in these last 365 days. It’s totally overwhelming. So I couldn’t be here as well truth be told. Some things are too big, too searing, too everything for me to share real time. I often think I am a shitty “influencer” for all these reasons. But then I remember that it doesn’t frickin matter. This isn’t my job, this isn’t who I am, this doesn’t define me. I’m not selling anything for anybody, apart from a book I’ve bled/sweat/cried my soul into. Just like I did my human baby. So yeah: when I look back at this year, I’m so proud of the things I have birthed into this world. So. Frickin. Proud. All of which has absolutely nothing to do with these two videos of me practicing #pinchamayurasana (video 1️⃣: #realtimeyoga) and #hollowbackpincha (Video 2️⃣: 2x time) while Mr RAD cuts the grass. Except maybe to remind me, and you, that so much more life happens outside of these little squares than it seems. I’ll be eternally grateful for all of this IG life, always... but my baby, my husband, my health, my practice, my creativity, my work ethic, my family... well, those things just don’t compare
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Выходим в мостик на плечах ♀️
Если вы видели эту асану, но не пробовали ее повторить, так как не знали, как к ней правильно подступиться.. то листайте карусель, запоминайте и, если нет противопоказаний конечно, добавляйте в свою практику
Делать почаще такие фото-выходы в разные асаны ? Или интереснее, как обычно, подборки ?
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5 асан для укрепления поясницы
Знаю, что у многих поясница - это слабое место, поэтому попробуем ее не только вытягивать, но и укреплять.
Удерживаем каждое положение по 20-30 дыханий, хорошо будет добавлять их в саму практику, но если цель сделать отдельно, то повторите 2-3 круга.
После выполнения этих 5 положений ложитесь на спину, подтяните колени к груди, обнимите их, поделайте круговые вращения по и против часовой стрелки, а затем полежите минутку в шавасане
Бывают у вас тянущие ощущения в пояснице ? Или все в порядке всегда ?
#шавасана_тожеасана ⠀
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#happiness #yogaindia #feel #yogalifestyle #traveler #yogaurmi #travelblogger #healing #goodvibes #travelgram #yogatravel #beauty #love #shiva #yogainthemountains #yoga#yogateacher #yogamotivation #yogaeverywhere #yogaposes #yogaindia #traveladdict#yogadance #dance #travelphotography #travelyoga #yog #instagram #yogaforbeginners #yogafit #2019 #yogaurmi ❤️
Don’t quit your day dream.
#feel #yogalifestyle #traveler #yogaurmi #travelblogger #healing #goodvibes #travelgram #yogatravel #solotravel #beauty #love #shiva #yogainthemountains #yoga#yogateacher #yogamotivation #yogaeverywhere #yogaposes #yogaindia #traveladdict#yogadance #dance #travelphotography #travelyoga #yog #instagram #yogaforbeginners #yogafit #2019 #yogaurmi ❤️
You and your happiness matter. Whatever your soul is asking you for, go do that today ✨. Come relax and stretch out with me from the link in my bio ♥️
#yogasana #yogalifestyle #yogaretreat #yogapractise #yogaathome #yogafitness #yogahigh #yogaforbeginners #yogabeginner #yogatransformation #yogafam #stretch #flexible #yogaclass #onlineyogaclass #vegangirls #yogashorts #aloyoga