yogalover yoga yogainspiration yogalife yogapose yogaeveryday yogapractice yogateacher yogachallenge yogaeverywhere yogadaily yogalove yogaeverydamnday yogafun yogi yogagirl yogajourney yogaaddict namaste yogagram yogamom yogini instayoga yogafit yogaflow yogaforlife yogalifestyle yogatime yogapants yogaphotography yogaeverydamday
having a hard time saying goodbye to the most gorgeous, luxe, attention-to-detail-oriented resort and #yogaretreat center i’ve ever visited ~ where everything smells like jasmine (my favorite scent and namesake! ) and everyone is always smiling. what a special place ✨
thank you @navutudreamsresort and samadhi yoga for having me ~ it truly has been a dream! ♥️
#treepose #vrksasana #cambodiatravel #travelingphotographer #namaste
Lookin out for all the fucks I don’t give about what other people think #byefelicia
It used to be crippling. Even the thought of going out in public made my throat close up and my heart pound. My fear that people would see the real me paralyzed me. I couldn’t handle being SEEN
What if my worst fears about myself were true?
I didn’t even know myself, how could they?
What if I was judged before I could explain myself?
What if they just didn’t like me?
A lot of this was leftover from high school. Shit, elementary school. Kids being mean as heck to each other disgusted me. Hey were so cruel. What if they talked about me like that when I wasn’t around? I didn’t want to be around that and it took me into isolation. Into drug use. Into mindless sex and reckless driving. It was a mess.
Until I started meditating. It got worse at first, then over a couple years something shifted after a while I could see.
And it didn’t matter what people thought.
It began to matter less and less.
The only thing that mattered was what I thought.
What do you think bout yourself? Are you saying nice things or being cruel? Can you let go of others opinions? Let me know, I’d love to hear about you!
Wearing @gaiam’s spring line
#lovefirst #selfacceptance #meditation
#Repost @barbarehlla_h
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Gracias @academiachilenadeyoga por permitirme aprender y practicar junto a los mejores!! ☀️
Practico desde hace años con ellos porque te hacen sentir como en casa y tienen horarios continuos desde las 6.45 am a las 20.45 pm también hay clases fines de semanas y feriados ❤️ y entre los corre corre de santiago siempre encuentro una clase entre entrenamientos y trabajo. .
Esta semana a duras penas estoy retomando mi rutina, sólo les reconozco que no es fácil y que no tiene porqué serlo, sé que será la sumatoria de estos días y como los afronte lo que llegado el momento hará la diferencia ❤️
Gracias a mis amigos de @thd.lateral @carolinarodriguezalonsophoto por esta hermosa foto en el lago #Bled #Slovenia ❤️ #lakebled
Cada Asana (postura) en el YoGa me muestra aspectos a trabajar o fortalecer en mi vida, Algunas me han enseñado de VOLUNTAD,otras me ayudan a buscar el EQUILIBRIO y FIRMEZA, y hay otras que me han permitido desarrollar AUTOCONFIANZA, pero en su gran mayoría me han dejado una enseñanza de COMPASION hacia mi y los demás.
Cómo no Amarte ♀️♂️
#vidademisvidas #happyadri #yogadri #exploradoradeconsciencia #yogalover #yoga #yogagirl #yogaenlaplaya #playa #goyabeachclub #beach #loveyou