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Vulnerability time*** 1st picture is zero make up 2nd picture is a face full of savvy minerals. Truth is it took me a few minutes to understand my feelings when it came to mineral makeup! I used the makeup a solid 3 weeks before I started seeing changes in my skin and loving my aging face again. I had to relearn how apply makeup because natural make up is a different application. But I can honestly say I am now in love with it. My skin is slowly repairing itself, I am seeing the changes!! The milia on my nose rupture yesterday and I am hoping that with this change I will never see it again! #allnatural #allnaturalmakeup #savvyminerals #oillife #yongliving #essentialoils #mineralmakeup #cleanliving #knowbetter #dobetter
Your wellness is important! Your health is an investment. Ningxia Red and Thieves are packed with wellness in a bottle. This is part of our daily routine. We only use the best for our family. If you would like more information DM me or view my profile for details.
Young Living has changed our life.
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Yang mana oil fav kamu ? Hayoo.. Apalagi semua khasiat nya bagus” semua ya.. Pokoknya ga nyesel ya klo punya premiumkit nya youngliving
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Hmm.. ak mau adain #giveaway nih , ada yg pengen dapetin youngliving oil gak ? Hihi.. yg pasti hadiahnya nnt bermanfaat bgt ya
Stayyy tune ya #premiumkit #younglivingessentialoils #yongliving #younglivingindonesia #oilessentials
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Powerhouse in a bottle right here! Thieves is a blend oil full of immune system building properties! We defuse it, sniff, and apply it!! Youngliving has a whole cleaning line based around this powerful little oil! #yongliving #allnatural #essentialoils #yleo #holidayyuck #thieves #sickness #sicknesskiller #fallsmells
Premium Starter Kit, langkah alaw dari free chamical lifestyle
yu di order wa / dm yah
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Room spray made by me! Purification a splash of witch hazel and some water! Done! And guess what? There are zero harsh chemicals, zero hormone disrupters, zero carcinogenics! #allnatural #noharshchemicals #yongliving #essentialoils #younglivingessentialoils #yleo #oils #purification #roomspray #roomsprays #vinyl #vinyllabels
Premium Starter Kit Young Living langkah awal free chemical lifestyle yu order moms wa / dm yah
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When my kids were young I was convinced they were the reason I couldn’t keep my office organized
Now that they are grown and out of the house, I have no one to blame but myself
My office is a work in progress… I run more than one business out of my home and I have a separate office for each business. Well, actually, I have a separate desk/area in one huge room for each business
Today I thought about watching some Marie Kondo episodes on Netflix but instead, I purged some paperwork and straightened up my YL office
Now if I can just keep it this way
Tomorrow, the tax office!