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Boyfriend jeans yg lagi ngehits banget, persis sama kaya ZARA. Ada lipetan di bagian bawahnya.
Harga di ZARA 999.900 bisa dicek sendiri
Aku jual cuma 130.000 aja BEST PRICE
Bagus bangeet dijamin looks like ZARA.
Ready stock size 27-28-29-30
Buy 2 get discount 5k/pcs
Buy 3 or more get discount 10k/pcs
#jualboyfriendjeans #jualbfjeans #jualzarajeans #jualboyfriendmurah #zarajeansmurah #jeanszaramurah
@prelovedklub is selling this on behalf.
Swipe left ⏪⏪⏪ for more photo(s) of the item.
ZARA jogger pants with side stripes in size M in excellent condition 9/10.
Letting go at super cheap RM 79 only inclusive of postage. Price is fixed and not negotiable.
Serious buyer please DM to purchase. No fussy buyer. No refund, return and exchange. First pay first served basis.
. .
#zara #zarapreloved #prelovedzara #zaraforsale #zaratoletgo #zarajeansmurah #zarajeansforsale #zarajeanspreloved #prelovedzarajeans #prelovedmurah #prelovedmalaysia
@prelovedklub is selling this on behalf.
Swipe left ⏪⏪⏪ for more photo(s) of the item.
ZARA premium floral embroidered flare jean in size EUR 38 (waist 28") in excellent condition.
Letting go at super cheap RM 129 only inclusive of postage. Price is fixed and not negotiable.
Serious buyer please DM to purchase. No fussy buyer. No refund, return and exchange. First pay first served basis.
. .
#zara #zarapreloved #prelovedzara #zaraforsale #zaratoletgo #zarajeansmurah #zarajeansforsale #zarajeanspreloved #prelovedzarajeans #prelovedmurah #prelovedmalaysia
@prelovedklub is selling this on behalf.
Swipe left ⏪⏪ for more photo(s) of the item.
ZARA jeans in size EUR34. New and never worn.
Letting go at super cheap RM 99 only inclusive postage.
Serious buyer please DM to purchase. No fussy buyer plese. No exchange, refund and return.
. .
#zara #zarapreloved #zaraforsale #zaratoletgo #prelovedzara #zarapants #zarapantforsale #zarajeans #zarajeansmurah #zarajeansforsale #prelovedmurah #prelovedmalaysia
23704 Light Blue Denim Jacket
Fabric Denim
Heavy Thick Material, Low Elastic, Premium Quality
Front Button, Double Pocket
Size M.L in cm
Bust (110,114) Sleeve (46,47) Length (49,50)
Price IDR 278.000
#jaketjeanscewek #jaketjeansmurah #jeansjacket #jacketjeansmurah #jacketjeanscewek #jualjaketjeans #denimjacket #denimjacketmurah #oversizedjacket #jaketjeansimport #jaketjeans #jaketjeanswanita #cropjacket #jacketjeanscrop #cropjacket #cropjacketmurah #denimjackets #jeanszara #jacketzara #zarajacket #jaketjeanszara #zarajeansmurah