zenmotion zenglass архитектура безрамка безрамноеостекление беседка веранда дизайн закаленноестекло немецкоеостекление остекление остеклениебеседки остеклениеверанды остеклениетеррасы остеклениефасадов остекленоzen панорамноеостекление стекло терраса люблюсвоюработу панорама проект загородныйдом зимнийсад маркизы москитнаясетка пергола стекляннаякрыша защитаответра зимниесады zenglass
#videobaper #videobapersedunia #video #videos #karma #videogalau #videogalaubaper #videogalaumerindu #videocinta #videosakithati #kinemasterpro #kinemaster #penyairpicisan #galau #videopercintaan #dagelan #instagram #videopatahhati #sakithati #patahhati #percintaan #kisahcintaku#videobaper #videobapersedunia #video #videos #karma #videogalau #videogalaubaper #videogalaumerindu #videocinta #videosakithati #kinemasterpro #kinemaster #penyairpicisan #galau #videopercintaan #dagelan #instagram #videopatahhati #sakithati #patahhati #percintaan #kisahcinta #instamusic #instavideos #zenmotion
This is a secret weapon that I’m using in this picture invented by my Grandmaster Roy Williams
#martialarts #martialartslife #secretweapon #mysecretweapon #glowinthedarkparty #glowart #art #karateart #jedis #motionart #motionartist #blacklight #blacklightparty #zenmotion #ninja #ninjawarrior #samuraiart #lightsaber #lightsabers #karate_do #bushido #nunchucks #swords #bokken
“Make the form formless form. Make the thought thoughtless thought. Singing and dancing, the dharma voice. How vast the sky of unobstructed concentration! At this very moment, what can be sought? Nirvana is immediate. This place is the lotus land. This body is the buddha body.” - Zen Master Hakuin
Zen Motion is a unique experience that involves building concentrated yet open presence within group dynamics. Tias often weaves this into his offerings as it is dynamic, physically challenging and fun! The practice is essentially meditation off the cushion and, at its essence, suggests finding joy through simplicity and within the ordinary way that things go.
: @yoga_house
The eyes are locked
The mind is empty
The focus is on
Let’s gravity do the rest.
#repost #balance #focus #mindful #meditation #equilibrio #rio #photography #patience #practice #zenmotion #solitude #exploretocreate #travellight #vanlife #concentration #focused #landart #ephemeral #fineart #art #followme #staypositive #goodvibes #energy #collaboration #nature #earthart
I can't believe it's almost June!!!! What are your plans for summer
Siempre se me olvida poner descripciones en español, así que voy a intentar acordarme más a menudo!!!! No me puedo creer que ya casi sea Junio. ¿Qué planes tenéis este verano?
: @specialander
.#cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #rezero #emilia #emiliarezero #emiliacosplay #cosplayphotography #thep0rtraitproject #zenmotion #flowers #floweraesthetic #cute #pretty
#aesthetic #naishiteru #rezerocosplay #elf #cutecosplay #photoshoot
「A single 'Thank You' is worth more than a million 'Sorry's」
I have been dying to show you these pictures!!!! This shoot was so much fun, there were hardly any people (less weirded out stares yay!) and the flowers were gorgeous!!!! There were so many bees tho, so I had to be extra careful not to disturb them!!!! I have way too many pictures I want to upload but I'll just leave you with three for now to not break the row aesthetic, but you will definitely see more of these soon!!!!
: @specialander
#cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #rezero #emilia #emiliarezero #emiliacosplay #cosplayphotography #thep0rtraitproject #zenmotion #flowers #floweraesthetic #cute #pretty
#aesthetic #naishiteru #rezerocosplay #elf #cutecosplay
This one is my favourite.
Are you Team Rem or Team Emilia
Esta es mi foto favorita!! ¿¿¿Sois Team Rem o Team Emila
: @specialander
.#cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #rezero #emilia #emiliarezero #emiliacosplay #cosplayphotography #thep0rtraitproject #zenmotion #flowers #floweraesthetic #cute #pretty
#aesthetic #naishiteru #rezerocosplay #elf #cutecosplay #photoshoot #photography #photoshoot