zionismisterrorism zionistscum antizionism antiisrael boycottisrael fakejews globalism indoctrination synagogueofsatan antizionist bibleisblackhistory blackhistoryfact blackhistoryfacts brainwashing freepalestine hebrews historyisalie khazars nephilim realblackhistory seedofsatan slavetrade thegoyimknow transatlanticslavetrade tribeofjudah lionofjudah lizardmen rockefeller 2ndamendment 911truth
Hari ini hari kemarahan umat Islam terhadap kebiadaban Israel & khadam mereka, USA.
Lupakan politik kepartian. Sesiapa sahaja yang mengaku dirinya Islam ataupun pencinta keamanan baik yang muslim ataupun bukan, sokonglah bantahan ini.
#alqudsmilikumatislam #baitulmaqdismilikumatislam #savealaqsa #savealquds #zionismisterrorism #peduliummah #ummahkitatanggungjawabkita #sejahterabersamaislam #prayforpalestine
Why almost every country in the world hates Israel, Because they are worse than terrorists, they are child killers.
Laknatullah alaih #amerika#israel
#palestine #palestinian #savepalestinechildren#savepalestine #palestinians #zionist #savechildren#unesco #israel #zionisisrael #zionism#zionismisterrorism #warcrimes #bbc #reuters#gaza #alquds #press.
Society has become desensitized to the harse and sad realities of what's happening worldwide.
Just remember this could've been anyone one of us in this position. We are fortunate that we are not, but let's us NOT forget those who are. #humanity#compassion#thiscouldvebeenyourchild#FrEePaLeStInE#icc4israel#freegaza#inasshawket##empathy#compassion#antiwar#zionismisterrorism
I bet you didn't know some of UKs best protest art can be found on bus shelters and in underground carriages !? (... but not for long ! )
#freepalestine #Palestine #Palestinian #israelisterrorist #greatreturnmarch #Jerusalem #jerusalemisthecapitalofpalestine #Nakba70 #Naksa #Gaza #Ramallah #Hebron #BDS #FreeAhedTamimi #FreeWaedTamimi #EndIsraeliApartheid #ICC4Israel #endisraeliwarcrimes #palestinefreedomproject #thedailyember#jewishvoiceforpeace #zionismisterrorism #boycotteurovision2019 #thurstonmoore #nickcave #protestsigns
Reposted from @faceless.09 - @jeffbellamar - I'm neither Israeli or Palestinian. I am just a military veteran fed up with $10.5 million dollars of taxpayer money each day going to Israel to fund an apartheid regime. Further, I am disturbed by the fact that nearly every death of a US servicemember during the last 30 years is usually tied to an Israeli agenda (Google: The Greater Israel Project) and nothing to do with our national security and those deaths fly in the face of the oath we took when we swore in.
#military #militaryveteran #marines #navy #navyseals #airforce #army #911truth #911truthmovement #zionism #zionismisterrorism #greaterisraelproject #hollywood #neverforget #teachpeace #veganveteran #vegansofisrael #war #waronterror@faceless.09 - #regrann - #regrann
Palestine is for the lovers. It is where my heart resides, forever rooted deep within its soil.
It is not for the Israelis, for they are just claimers, takers, the oppressors. Without Palestinians, the land is just a vast amount of unwatered dirt.
For the Palestinians are the ones who feed it, water its soil, they are the planters - planting olive trees, lemon trees, gardens full of jasmine flowers. For they are the ones who give life to the marketplace, calling you over to see their bedazzled stands.
The wind only speaks to the Palestinians, enveloping them with tales as old as time. Tales of their ancestors, their loved ones passed.
We are not the takers, we, Palestinians, are only the givers. We know this land cries for us to save her from these Zionists - and every night our hearts cry out to Allah. Save her ya Allah from these wicked people, people who paint themselves as the victims.
The Israelis can keep their Sabra (Hummus thieves ), for us Palestinians we will continue to keep our Sabr. Zionists can scream from every mountaintop their claim to this beautiful land, but it will never compare to the will of the Palestinians to have the keys of our homes returned to us one day soon.
Our hearts are strong enough to defend our land, yet soft enough to love our Palestinian mothers.
#palestine #palestinian #palestineforever #boycottisrael #boycottisraelapartheid #supportbds #ramallah #albireh #rooftop #views #wanderlust #muslimgirl #muslimsoftheworld #jerusalem #bethlehem #checkpoint #zionismisterrorism #zionism #zionist #palestinewillbefree