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(توضيحات فارسى سفر به #برشا در ادامه همين مطلب )
Story of this travel backed to Christmas holidays. When I was homesick and sent a video about living out of your country in my colleagues WhatsApp group. Since those days, Mauro and his great family invited me to their house for Easter holidays.
Usually, before travelling to somewhere, I wouldn’t check pictures of that place since I want to explore the area by my own eyes. But I have to admit that before visiting Brescia and its around I never expected these much of beauty.
The main job of people is producing and working in companies. Most of the young generation is interested in studying engineering. And they’re usually hard working people.
Besides its wonderful nature, here is full of great foods and drinks (that they are trying to brand some of them), historical monuments and great lakes.
In addition, being with an Italian family, their hospitality and reliving with family after almost 8 months was wonderful. Particularly due to this fact that Mauro’s parents and his sister sometimes remembered me my parents and my relationship with my brother. Also, I have to say that, now I have good friends in Brescia that we had some funs and I wish we could have more fun in future.
فارسى: قصه اين سفر از حال و احوال دلتنگى من براى خونه موقع كريسمس شروع شد. دقيقا وقتى كه يه ويدئويى رو درباره زندگى در خارج كشور توو گروه همكلاسى ها فرستادم و بعدش دوستم مائورو و خانواده ش پيشاپيش من رو براى تعطيلات ايستر دعوت كردن.
معمولا عادت دارم كه هيچ عكس و تصويرى از جايى كه دارم ميرم نبينم تا خودم با چشم هاى خودم اونجا رو پيدا كنم ولى بايد صادقانه بگم كه اينبار انتظار انقدر زيبايى رو نداشتم.
شهر برشا و اطرافش (زوكو كه خونه دوستم بود، كيارا، روواتو، ايسئو و لومباردى) مخلوط از طبيعت فوق العاده، خوراكى هاى خوشمزه، جاهاى تاريخى و مردم خوب بود.
مردم شمال ايتاليا رو ميشه مردمى سخت كوش تر و كارى ترى به حساب اورد. شغل اصلى و اكثريت مردم اين منطقه توليد و صنعت به حساب مياد و اكثر جوون هاش به رشته هاى مهندسى تمايل دارن.
به غير از طبيعت فوق العاده و على الخصوص درياچه هاى متعددش و جاذبه هايى مثل وجود بزرگترين جزيره مخروطى اروپا، از آثار تاريخى اينجا ميشه به كليساهاى برشا، قلعه برشا، برج مردم و خيلى چيزهاى ديگه اشاره كرد.
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"Eu lhe prometo o Sol, se o Sol sair... E a chuva, se a chuva cair."
@aribitu um brinde a essa frase sensacional!
Foto: @arjmariane
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