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Занимайтесь спортом братья #хуприсила#волнаяборьба#волная#спорт#хабибконор#спортсила#хабибнурмагомедовчемпион#хабибнурмагамедов#абдурашидсадулаев#снайдер##спортдлявсех #спорт #спортэтожизнь #спортлайф #спортсмен #инстаграманет #спортсила #сила #спортзал #силадуха #спортивноетело #здоровоепитание #спортсмены #силаволи #здоровье #здоровыйобразжизни #спортклуб #инстаспорт #спортспортспорт #спортэтосила #
If you’re not training to be one of the best..to be the world champion . Then what are you training for?
#волнаяборьба #волная #wrestlingteam
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No matter the outcome... putting everything you have into your dreams is the only victory you really need. And the only true defeat is the hope you give up in yourself.
#волнаяборьба #волная #wrestlingteam
#борьба #freestyle #freestylewrestling #wrestling #judo #judoka #grecoromanwrestling #motivationalquotes #athlete #bjj #mma #ufc #running #run #runningmotivation #lifestyle #sport #sports #sportsgirl #judorussia2018 #judo #luptelibere #lupte #rugby #rugbyhaka #haka #mens
Even the most beautiful pottery began as a pile of mud . So , if you’re fucking mess , be like mud - at least be a fucking mess with potential .
#волнаяборьба #волная
#борьба #freestyle #freestylewrestling #wrestling #judo #judoka #grecoromanwrestling #motivationalquotes #athlete #bjj #mma #ufc #running #run #runningmotivation #lifestyle #sport #sports #sportsgirl
Тренер чемпиона Эльдар Нажмудинов @eldar_nazhmudinov рассказал как произошла встреча с его подопечным Магомедрасулом @magomedrasul_gazimagomedov70 и почему Газимагомедова не хотели брать в школу борьбы @dux_sporta #dagestan #wrestling #спорт#sport @sadulaev_abdulrashid #садулаевабдулрашид#борьба#волная#дагестан##dag#dagestan @kurbanaliev65 @gadzhimagomedov_79
If you’re in it for the credit, you probably shouldn’t be in it at all. Because, whatever you do there is no guarantee that your accomplishments will be remembered or recognized anyway.
No to mention — if you do accomplish something great — you’re going to stir up a lot of jealousy, envy and hate .
#волнаяборьба #волная #wrestlingteam
#борьба #freestyle #freestylewrestling #wrestling #judo #judoka #grecoromanwrestling #motivationalquotes #athlete #bjj #mma #ufc #running #run #runningmotivation #lifestyle #sport #sports #sportsgirl #judorussia2018 #judo #luptelibere #lupte #rugby #rugbyhaka #haka #mens #athlete
It doesn’t matter who it came from — advice from a parent or advice from a friend — in the end, what matters is whether or not you trust yourself enough to actually fucking do it. And, trust me when I say this, you’ll regret the times you don’t side with your intuition far more than you will the times you choose to roll the dice on your inner sense of selection. Additionally, if you can’t trust yourself, who the fuck are you to believe others should ever put their trust in you? If you want to become someone who’s relied upon, learn to trust yourself more than anyone.
#волнаяборьба #волная #wrestlingteam
#борьба #freestyle #freestylewrestling #wrestling #judo #judoka #grecoromanwrestling #motivationalquotes #athlete #bjj #mma #ufc #running #run #runningmotivation #lifestyle #sport #sports #sportsgirl #judorussia2018 #judo
Life is not black or white, this or that, or one direction versus the other. Just because you’re one thing, doesn’t mean you can’t also be another. You can (and should) be a multifaceted individual. Be someone with contrasting hobbies, varying interests, and a diversity of passions that keeps people guessing. Blur the lines on what people would expect of you,
#волнаяборьба #волная
#борьба #freestyle #freestylewrestling #wrestling #judo #judoka #grecoromanwrestling #motivationalquotes #athlete #bjj #mma #ufc #running #run #runningmotivation #lifestyle #sport #sports #sportsgirl #judorussia