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#stereopair #stereophoto #parallelview #londonstereoscopiccompany #stereophotography #3dphoto #crossview #stereoscopic3d #stereoscopicphotography #3dphotography #stereoscopy #stereoview #stereoscopic #3dparallel #stereopic #stereophotographer #3dphotograph #3dphotographer #stereo #stereogram #brianmay #brianmayforreal #londonstereo #photo3d #стереопара #bodleianlibrary #hyperstereo #stereograph

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #STEREOPAIR
#stereopair #stereopairs #stereopairing #stereopaired #stereopairoftheday #stereopairsareawesome #stereopairmics #stereopairedhomepod #stereopairr84 #stereopairfiftysevens

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

Life through my Nishika lenses . . #stereoscopic #photography #stereo3dwiggle #stereoview #3d #3dgif #stereopair #stereoscopic3d #londonstereoscopiccompany #nimslo #travel #wigglegram #3dphotography #parallel #stereophotography #stereoscopy #ishootfilm #nishika #3dcamera #35mm #parallelview #filmphotography #photooftheday #nimslo3d #stereogif #nishikan8000 #35mmfilm #3dstereoscopic #reto3d

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

(⇈+) Here’s a 3D stereovideo version of digital artwork by Fran Pérez Rus @franperezrus called Deforestación III. I believe he made this point cloud model from 3D scans of an actual forested area. Check out his other great artwork! 3D stereovideo conversion by me. . #stereopair #WorldOfDepth #3DChronicle #3dmodel #3dscan #3dscanning #pointcloud #digitalart #photogrammetry #rotationalvideo #stereovideo #3dvideo #3dmodeling #3dpointcloud .

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

Mandarin Ducks in Hyde Park. This is the female; scroll for the male. Generally female ducks are less colourful than the males so they can blend in with their surroundings while sitting on the nest. And I have to confess that I often post photos of just the male ducks because of their striking colours. But this time it's Mrs Mandarin that gets priority! Parallel #stereophotos. #mandarinduck #ducks #ducksofinstagram #wildbirds #hydepark #theserpentine #london #3d #3dphoto #3dphotograph #3dphotography #3dphotographer #stereo #stereophotograph #stereophotography #stereophotographer #stereopic #stereoscopic3d #stereoscopy #stereopair #fujiw3

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

(2⇈/2) A 3D shot of an impressive Darth Maul statuette on display at @NewYorkComicCon. Swipe for full shot. . #stereopair #WorldOfDepth #3DChronicle #nycc #nycc18 #nycc2018 #newyorkcomiccon #darthmaul #starwars @starwars #statue #maquette #toyphotography #toysin3D #nowin3D .

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

Пароизоляция, как она есть Для ограждения конструктива дома от пара в зимний период, мы применяем пленку полиэтиленовую 200-250 мкр Обязательна проклейка швов качественным скотчем Основное прижатие пароизоляции осуществляется бруском обрешетки, на который будет крепится черновая/чистовая обшивка помещений. Немного театра в ленту Декорации готовы В конце карусели есть #стереопара ©™ Vapor barrier as it is For the protection of structural elements of the house from the couple in the winter, we use polythene bag 200-250 MD Mandatory sizing seams with high-quality adhesive tape ☺ The main pressing of the vapor barrier is carried out with a bar of the crate, which will be attached to the rough/finish plating of the premises. A little theater in the tape Scenery ready At the end of the carousel there is a #stereopair ©™ #framing #framer #framerlife #roofing #каркасник #каркасныедома #многодетнаясемья #технониколь #каркасныйдом #каркасныйдомвладивосток #каркасноестроительство #владивосток #жильедлямолодойсемьи #приморскийкрай #строиманеговорим #пароизоляция #сложнаякрыша #ипотека #строимдомвладивосток #tyvekhousewrap #строимдом #строительстводомов #строимкрышу #техникабезопасности #knaufinsulation #теплыйдом #загородныйдом #энергоэффективныйдом

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

—Мы ведь не высоты боимся, а упасть.

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

Em 2019 eu completo 20 anos dedicados à arte e a técnica de gravar diálogos, efeitos e atmosferas sonoras para filmes. Isso corresponde a milhares de horas gravando as mais diversas vozes e sons, em milhares de locações e ambientes, conhecendo pessoas loucas e fantásticas, aprendendo a lidar com a psique humana trabalhando em equipes com até mais de 60 pessoas em situações de grande pressão. Apesar de toda a dificuldade que é viver fazendo cinema, me sinto realizado por ter seguido nessa profissão que foi determinante na formação do meu ser como indivíduo. Meus agradecimentos nos comentários. Em ação no set de #CasaVazia Vigésimo primeiro filme de longa metragem da minha carreira. #resistência #cinemabrasileiro #somdireto #sounddepartment #sounddept #productionsoundmixer #soundguy #twentyyearsold #cascagrossa #stereopair #boomshadow #oldschool

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

О том как проводят время наши стереоскопы на ваших мероприятиях одним кадром фото: @bashlykovandrey #stereophotography #stereoscope #stereophoto #3dphoto #stereopair #eureka #стереофотография #стереоскоп #стереопара #стереофото #3D #gift #подарок #смотривоба

Хештеги на тему #STEREOPAIR

Jackdaw, on the RSPB reserve at Bempton, East Yorkshire. They're members of the Corvid family along with Crows, Rooks, Magpies and Jays. Corvids are highly intelligent birds and as you're walking along you can get quite close to them. But the minute you stop and look at them they're off! I used some flapjack crumbs to tempt the Jackdaw close enough for a decent stereo. Scroll to see some of the other birds you can see at this great location, but in mono as they were quite distant - (1) Yellowhammer (2) Reed Bunting (3) Meadow Pipit and (4) Pheasant. Parallel #stereophoto plus some mono ones. #rspbbemptoncliffs #bempton #bemptoncliffs #eastyorkshire #jackdaw #yellowhammer #reedbunting #meadowpipit #birds #wildbirds #birdwatching #3d #3dphoto #3dphotograph #3dphotography #3dphotographer #stereo #stereophotograph #stereophotography #stereophotographer #stereopic #stereoscopic3d #stereoscopy #stereopair #fujiw3 #canon

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