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Best ever barefoot running team!✌
All 3 of us 100k finisher this morning at the 100km del Passatore. We ran for 16-19 hours, me and @ercolelamanna entirely barefoot and @marina_sbikila with sandals. The race started in the center of Florence, then we passed over a little mountain, 1400D+, and finished in the center of Faenza. Very hot the first hours but it got much colder in the mountains at night. I think it rained about half of the race too. Very “interesting” experience... Ok, it was hard, very very hard! But Barefootgirl got a lot of support from the crowd and it warmed my heart... And the beauty of the Tuscan sceneries were amazing!
#100kmdelpassatore #firenzefaenza #100kmdelpassatore2019 #feelfree #ultrarunning #ultrarunninglife #barefootrunning #barefootgirl #ultrarunners #raceday #piedinudi #firenze #finisher #runningbuddies #happyrunner #runningsquad #100k #fothälsa #freeyourfeet #lunasandals #lunasandalsrunners #nevergiveup #barefootstrong #footstrength
The only two people in the world crazy enough to run a barefoot 100k! Dio li fa e poi li accoppia @ercolelamanna #senonsonopazzinonlivogliamo #feelfree -
#barefootrunner #naturalrunning #ultrarunner #barefootultrarunning #100kmdelpassatore #100kmdelpassatore2019 #firenzefaenza #happyrunners #noshoesnoproblem #raceday #100k #crazyrun #runnershigh #crazyrunners2019
Complimenti a Marco Meregardi, Bergamo Stars, che vince la 47^ @100kmpassatore in 7:12’48” con una splendida seconda parte di gara. .
La classifica: 1. Marco Meregardi, 7:12’48”; 2.Serhii Popov, (Ukr) 7:19’25”; 3. Dejan Radanac (Cro) 7:23’36”. Andrea Zambelli, vincitore nel 2018, è quarto in 7:26’11”. Giorgio Calcaterra settimo in 7:38’05”. In campo femminile, Nikolina Sustic vince per la quinta volta: 7:31’04”, record della corsa. Federica Moroni, seconda donna, è campionessa italiana in 7:55’03”. .
#100kmPassatore #correre #correremagazine #100kmdelPassatore #Passatore
Some new Passatore pictures have arrived! So I think I’ll just be spamming you with The World’s Best Barefoot Running team for a while, until I’m ready to get on with my life... #nostalgia #100kmdelpassatore -
#100kmdelpassatore2019 #running #barefootultrarunning #lunasandals #barefootrunners #ultrarunning #finisher #corsa #corsalunga #100k #firenzefaenza #iocorroqui #runningbuddies #summerrunning #raceday #runsquad
Il pettorale c'è, bisogna solo correre...per km...
Grazie a
@lifecode_ e @valeriomarcelli4797
#running #runningpassion #ultramarathon #100kmdelpassatore #24 #liferunner #firenze #faenza #nike #nikerunning #nikeshoes #lifecode #lagarapiúemozionante #corriforrest #correredisolitoaiuta #sandrovalbonesi