17months baby babyboy babygirl family ilovemyson mylittlelove babyson babyworld instababy minsk семья child children instaboy myboy минск моймальчик сын сынок bayibule boygram love momlife myson toddler милашка блогмолодоймамы
The moment when I saw my pawrents coming to fetch me!! I recognized them straight away!! And I was super happy and excited that I keep making alot of diff sounds. I just couldn't explain how happy i was after being away from them for 20 days. I thought if i did something wrong and hence they left me or what =(, but once they were here, i just couldn't wait to go home immediately!
#17months #roughcollie #roughcollieofinstagram #sablecollie #lassie #lassiedog #hayleycollie #dogs #dogstagram #beautiful #followme #puppy #sgdogs #dogsofinstasg #singaporedog #collie
Long time didnt post anything coz my pawrents went overseas for 20 days!!! Its the longest period of time i was away from them, but now they are back home!! And today I went to granny house again, but I just cant leave mummy for a moment coz I worried she will disappear for so long again!
#17months #roughcollie #roughcollieofinstagram #sablecollie #lassie #lassiedog #hayleycollie #dogs #dogstagram #beautiful #followme #beautifuldogs #sgdogs #dogsofinstasg #singaporedog #collie
.Iya.. iyaa.. tauuu.. sekarang aku gendut, lebar, bengkak, bahkan muka kaya kelihatan pipi semua Mangkanya selama piknik d kebun binatang ragunan kita foto bareng binatang cuman sama gajah aja karna sebagai bumil aku merasa sekarang badannya sama besarnya kaya gajah
.Duuuhh.. jadi rindu sama ukuran badanku yg dulu n suami masih kuat gendongin aku Kalo sekarang jangankan gendong bantuin ngangkat dari tempat duduk aja sudah sempoyongan Tapi meskipun begitu kata suamiku, aku lebih terlihat sexy kalo lagi hamil begini
#anniversary #annivwedding #17months #pregnant #32weekpregnant #piknik #jakarta #kebunbinatang #lfl #lfl