47for47 kind actsofkindness bekind consciouskindness kindness kindnessmatters consciousactsofkind dedicationovermotivation bipolardisorder commitment sober sobriety goals soberfit keepthestreakalive dtdt garagegym running dbap runner dswt mysc grateful situps consciousactsofkindness dumbbells itsnotthehatitstheguywearingit таксиаренда
#47for47 is done. Finished last Sunday on the first day of my 47th year on the earth.
Scroll for all the pieces.
Some thoughts:
It really sucks that people throw trash on the road, beach and in our parks. It would be easy to come away from this pissed and depressed. But that's not the point about picking up trash. If you're tending to a public space, think of the others who will come along to this park, or this beach or this road and not have to see trash. Think of the enjoyment they will receive from experiencing a clean beach or park.
This makes it worthwhile.
Water the flower, not the weed.
Focus on the good, don't get frustrated by the negative.
Think of the good you can do and do it.
#birthdaycelebration #birthday #plastic #passonplastic #plasticsucks #beaches #parks #florida #optoutside #getoutside #cleanup
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!! ✨✨❤️ So pumped my name was picked by @alchemy_nbk to win this amazing gift basket!! What a perfect kickoff to #girlsweekend!!! This #prizebasket looks incredible, but I’m waiting until tonight to delve into all the incredible goodies!! ✨. Thank you so much @alchemy_nbk for this incredible gift! #47for47 #winnerwinnerchickendinner #feelinglucky #kohler @sweetpotatosbtq @boldcycle @yogaonthelakekohler
SO much birthday love for my Sweet Potato’s sweeties! @sweetpotatosbtq Thank y’all for the most perfect gift of a “wishlist” bucket for our favorite kids at The Boys & Girls Club!@bgcsheboygancounty
#funforeveryone #birthdaylove #soulgood #beckydecorates #missingaudra #perfectlyimperfect
#sweetiesoneandall #birthdaycheer #betterthanasmoothie #47for47
Back to work & time to grind♀️♀️♀️
#47for47 #joinme #nevertoolate
47 FOR 47 CHALLENGE. Participate between April 1 - April 30 and you could win a basket of my Favorite Things [valued over $1500]. Alchemy is about Living + Giving and we believe in the mantra “Sound Body, Sound Mind (Sound Heart)”. We are challenging you to do at least 47 acts of kindness –AND/OR– workouts in the month of April. Those with 47 or more photos tagged with #47for47 and @alchemy_nbk will automatically be entered in a drawing where a winner will be randomly selected on May 1.
A workout could include:
Any group exercise class (yoga, sculpt, cycle, etc).
3 mile run or walk or a 30 minute+ lift.
We encourage you to get out there and get moving!
Any random act of kindness = 1.
Send a friend a card and tell them how much they mean to you.
Do something kind for a stranger.
Share a good book.
The beauty is in the unexpected! @alchemy_nbk #soulgood #soundbodysoundmind #beactive #bekind #beexcited #instafun #alchemybyninakohler