acroconvention acro acroyoga acrobatics handstand partneracrobatics partneracro acrodance circus acrobalance training acroarts acrobaticarts acroeverywhere acroisrael yoga accelerateacroconvention acrofun acrolove acrotravel acroyogaadamczyk acroyogafun amazingfaculty aroundtheworld balance circusaroundtheworld convention flexibility flexible handtohand akrobatics
Thanks @verena.desenfrena and @chris.ray.der.erste for amazing workshop on #dutchacro 2019 and for reminding us how fun can be playing with the needle position. We got a lot of inspirations and now it's time to work on it!
#acro #acrobatics #acroconvention #dutchacrobaticsconvention #partneracro #needle #newskill #standingacro #acroyoga #acroeverydamnday #dutchacrobatics #upsidedown #circus #lovemylife #trick #focus #nofear #tightness #strongbase #circuseverydamnday #acropose #acrosport #acroskillbank #acroskills
Love is the only thing what matters.. hehe ❤️ Thank you the team of @leapacrobatics for taking this video and looking forward to be one of the teachers/guides for the autumn program in CZECH REPUBLIC .
#handstand #handbalancer #oahs #onearmhandstand #oldtown #prague #praguehandstand #handstandworkshop #circus #acro #cirque #yoga #training #showoff ✌️
#acroconvention #friends
Wiatr prawie wywiał mnie w krater ale czego się nie robi dla zdjecia #acroyoga #acro #acrobatics #acrogirl #acroyogainthedesert #acroyogaisrael #acroconvention #acroyogaconvention #israeliacrobaticconvention #split #acroyogasplit #acroyogapose #desert #windy #flexible #acroyogapoland #acroyogapolska #acroyogis #acroyogapic #acroyogapicture #acroyogaphotography
Playing around with newly learned trick from @standingacrobatics at IAC - Israel Acrobatic Convention May Madness 2019
#acro #acrobalance #acroconvention #acroisrael #israelacroconvention #acroeverywhere #acroeveryday #acrobatics #acroyoga #dancelifts #acroshapes #acropose #acroskillbank #acrotravel #balance #counterbalance #acroyoga #acroyogafun #acroyogapose #acroyogalife #acroyogaeverywhere #couplesgoals #lovemylife #partneracro #partneracrobatics #acroyogaadamczyk
Hey people!!! If interested in handstand training & hand to hand acrobatics or all kinds of other amazing Acro come to Czech Republic for intensive training program called @leapacrobatics ⬅️
Check out more info on the LEAP page and see you in Novemeber ✌️☀️
Thanks @starringmay for this beautiful shot and @anezka.rabas with @_chussers_ for a wonderful afternoon fun.
#oahs #handstand #acro #onearmhandstand #goodvibes #hs #flexibility #equi #circus #cirque #canes #handstandcanes #praguecastle #prague #history #leap #acrobaticconvention #acroconvention #yoga #handstandworkshop
This year @acro.israel convention was even better then the last year. We had chance to meet and learn from many inspiring people and some of them we've never met before.
What's more this time we finally saw the crater located in Mizpe Ramon nearby the convention venue.
It's the world's largest "erosion cirque". It has 40km long and 2-10km wide and it's really epic!
More photos and inspirations from this travel soon - stay tuned!
#acro #acrobatics #acroisrael #acroconvention #acrotravel #acroyoga #h2h #whereihandstand #acrobalance #handstand #hand2hand #standingacrobatics #partneracrobatics #travel #mizperamon #mizperamoncrater #israel #epicview #couplesgoals #acrolove #desert #acroyogaadamczyk #acrogoals #travelphotography #circus #acroeverywhere #acroeveryday
Creativity in action. Thanks for an amazing convention everyone - more photos to come!
Tag us in your posts so we can see all of the incredible acro that happened!
: @acrobrianna / @briannairenephotography .
#acro #acroconvention #israel #sunset #silhouette #convention #mitzperamon #negev #hulahoop #acrobalance #acrobatics #acrobatica #acrobats #acroplay #movement #standingacrobatics #partneracro #icarian #acrodance #acroyoga #acroisrael