apraxia apraxiaawareness autism speechtherapy apraxiaofspeech autismo apraxiakids ashaigers bhsm fonoaudiologia speechpathology asha childhoodapraxiaofspeech everychilddeservesavoice speech autismawareness autismmom cerebralpalsy instaslp lifebeyondthenicu sindromededown slplife specialneeds speechdelay speechlanguagepathology stroke adhd advocate advocatelikeamother бобат
Um #tbt de quase 1 ano atrás quando pronunciar as consoantes era um sério problema por aqui. Assista o vídeo até o final para ver uma dica legal de como treinar o F e ver o avanço de João já conseguindo pronunciar corretamente o fonema. #autismoefala #autismoeapraxia #apraxia #apraxiadefala #terapiadefala #fonoaudiologia #autismobrasil #asd #espectroautista #tbt #antesedepois #speechtherapy #umpassodecadavez
This post is NOT brought to you by today’s lighting but I shall post it anyway, because I know many of you are hanging out for some CAS notes! So here they are
#speechiestudies #speechie #speechpathology #slp2b #slpeeps #futurespeechpathologist #logopedia #apraxia #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #CAS #notes #studynotes #studygram #studying #studies #revision #stationary #pilotjuice #papermate #papermateflair #officeworks #rhodia #rhodiadotpad #slpsontpt #slpsofinstagram #slp2be
The weather was nice enough yesterday for a long walk but it was also nice enough that Rafa was upset the fire station garage was closed so he camped out in protest. Luckily, he was in the mood to talk through his feelings and I was able to capture it. Last year at this time he would’ve kicked and screamed or just moaned and moaned. His words are really flowing now and empowering him to experience things differently! Keep talking baby boy, your voice is so beautiful! ~ Papí
#speechdelay #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #speechlanguagetherapy #speechtherapist #autismparents #autismparent #autismparenting #specialneedsparenting #specialneedsparent #specialneedsparents #nonverbal #nonverbalautism #apraxia #apraxiaofspeech #childhoodapraxiaofspeech
They say a little crying every now and then is good for your eyes, as it clears out your tear ducts. Well, watch this video and your tear ducts will be clean for the next month.⠀
Like or share if you just love it when kids get the help they need, from speech therapy to the perfect glasses. ⠀
#speech #speechie #speechmom #speechies #appforkids #slp #asha #specialneedschild #downsyndrome #autism #apraxia #language #speechtherapy #slpapp #speechblubs #appforkids #speechtherapy
Here’s a 3 year old on the spectrum who presents with oral hypo sensitivity( there is little awareness of what is happening inside his mouth).This leads to food pocketing, mouthing, drooling etc. Remember that these children also show some degree of oral defensiveness such as refusal to use a toothbrush because they’re either unsure of what to expect or they’ve had past experiences of parents forcing it on to them (99% of the time). This is confused with hypersensitivity at times. Children are very adept at sensing irritability, frustration and overeagerness. It is important to stay calm but at the same time proceed playfully as the child slowly begins to develop a trust in you. Do not rush. Do not over react or coax them into doing it ( because the opposite happens, and they’ll just push it away). Show them that you’re not in hurry and that you’re doing this together as a team. Start with gentle playful (but slightly firm) strokes on the palm moving upward towards the arm and cheek. In this video, he is gradually seen to accept this sensory input with and without vibration in his mouth. Over the past few months he has been aversive toward any form of texture / toothbrush presented orally. He is slowly beginning to trust the toothete, and is more willing to explore this new sensory tool. #slp #slp2b #ashaigers #speech #speechpathology #speechtherapy #occupationaltherapy #autism #autismawareness #apraxia #feeding #feedingissues #kidswithspecialneeds @arktherapeutic @talktoolstherapy
Motor Planning Monday
The only way to master a motor skill is through repetition. And speech is the most finely-tuned motor act human beings perform. When working with toddlers who are struggling learning to talk, and I suspect motor planning difficulties, I recommend reading books that contain repetitive and highly functional target words. The words “mama” and “dada” are two of the first words I target early on in the speech therapy process. As a mother of a child with autism and apraxia...I couldn’t wait to hear my son call me “mama.” .
As a seasoned SLP (that’s a nice way of saying I’m getting old!), I find that books make the best therapy tools, because they encourage joint attention and imitation skills - and these are the foundation skills for learning to talk. .
Thanks Jimmy Fallon for these perfectly adorable little gems!
#MotorPlanningMonday #apraxia #apraxiakids #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #slpsofinstagram #instaslp #prekslp #earlyintervention #earlyinterventionslp #pediatricslp #jimmyfallon
Repost from @autismdads using @RepostRegramApp - If you know, you know. Speech delays can be heart breaking and can cause such frustration in both children and their parents. My son is autistic but he also has Childhood Apraxia of Speech which basically means his brain can't connect efficiently with the mouth, jaw and throat parts that provide the ease of articulate speech. He's been in speech therapy since he was 1.5 years old and he's currently having some type of explosion...he won't stop talking. We can't understand much of it but he's letting loose and you can tell he's feeling confident in himself. It's a beautiful thing.
The swearing is just icing on the cake!
#speechdelay #speechdelays #speechtherapy #speechlanguagepathology #speechlanguagepathologist #speechtherapist #apraxia #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #apraxiaofspeech #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismadvocate #autismjourney #autismfamily #autismparents #autismparent #autismmom #autismmoms #autismdads #autismdad #differentnotless
Sunday “A” Day (let’s talk about autism and apraxia)
A child with sensory processing disorder has atypical reactions to typical experiences. I find there are many people who wrongly assume that if a child hand flaps, is a resistant eater, dislikes touching certain textures, or has other sensory cravings or avoidances, then that child must be on the autism spectrum. It is important to recognize that sensory processing disorder can be a secondary diagnosis and co-occur with any other primary diagnosis such as apraxia, ADHD, Fragile X, and of course, autism; but not ALL children with sensory processing disorder have autism. .
#SundayADay #autism #autismspectrumdisorder #apraxia #neurodiversity #sensoryprocessingdisorder #pediatricslp #speechpathology #speechtherapy #occupationaltherapy #sensorydifferences
I’m slowly growing a collection of books to address the emotional needs of so many kids who struggle to speak. I feel this is a widely overlooked yet very important area in our kids with #apraxia and #autism. Love this book about @templegrandin_
#CAS #speechtherapy #apraxiaslp #ashaigers #slpsofinstagram #slplife #childcounselling #counseling #neurodiversity #slpeeps #slpmommy #slpmommyofapraxia #speechdelay #childhoodapraxiaofspeech #speechpathology #instaslp #bookstagram