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Back to slow rounding shape with this example which I call for a “Droplet Column”. Even with such a change in a diameter through the height of the column, it’s fairly simple to recreate with 3D printing even without support and internal infill during printing process. Work material that I am testing is COMPOST3D.
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Closer look at the layers of Droplet Column. Smooth transition in Z-axis can be achieved with this filament when printing in one continuous go, also often referred to as a “vase mode”. Few imperfections are visible on the model and probably this is cased by humidity in the filament. The issue might be solved by proper storage in a less humid environment or by simply pre-drying filament before 3D printing.
Work material is silky colored COMPOST3D filament. .
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From another angle you can see one of the typical side-effects when 3D printing - layer shifting pocket. The effect may especially be visible due to high layers and it’s also possible to play around with slicer program settings to minimize the effect. Shape play with compostable filament. .
#sustainable3dprinting #3dprintinglife #sustainableplastics #bioplastics #compost3d #b4plastics #ecoplastic #3darchitecture #archi #archi3D
#archiwood #archi3Dprint
#architecturemodels #architecturelife
#architecturestudents #archistudents
#architecturestudio #rawarchitecture
#sustainablearchitecture #ecoarchitecture #3Dprintedart
Exploring architectural columns! To test new 3D printing filament I decided to design and 3D print a series of columns. Here is first column design - it’s an organic looking shape which emphasizes the silky look of material. Layer adhesion is great and I also like the feel of material. Noted that there are random tiny bobbles in the print and I am wondering if that could be trapped air due to humidity of the filament. Over all great first impression. .
3D printed with COMPOST3D filament - one of the most sustainable polymers for 3D printing I found so far.
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Cut of an Ancient Greek column.
3D print with compostable filament. .
#sustainable3dprinting #3dprintinglife #sustainableplastics #bioplastics #compost3d #b4plastics #ecoplastic #3darchitecture #archi #archi3D
#archiwood #archi3Dprint
#architecturemodels #architecturelife
#architecturestudents #archistudents
#architecturestudio #rawarchitecture
#sustainablearchitecture #ecoarchitecture #column
Computer generated •X• Sharp edges and organic shapes are combined in this model, creating a stand out contrast in one single object. One more example of possible design possibilities with help of topology optimization which is brought to life with 3D printing and wooden PLA material. .
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One more column to the collection. 3D print with compostable plastic.
#sustainable3dprinting #3dprintinglife #sustainableplastics #bioplastics #compost3d #b4plastics #ecoplastic
Imperfect column! Wavy shape with sharp edges for overhangs and since it was 3D printed without any support structure it had a slight inclination for uneven finish. A similar stone column that has existed for hundreds of years would probably also have rough edges. 3D print with COMPOST3D filament. .
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Marshmallow man inspired column! Tiny flashback to ghostbusters movie... have a great weekend. .
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#archiwood #archi3Dprint
#architecturemodels #architecturelife
#architecturestudents #archistudents
#architecturestudio #rawarchitecture
#sustainablearchitecture #ecoarchitecture #columns