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Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

D14 Cruce el océano para darme cuenta que el miedo no es tan malo y que me trajo la conexión que estaba buscando. Metáfora y Arteterapia no solo me abrió el alma, me dio la herramienta más importante para seguir creando y creyendo en mi. Fue una auto terapia regeneradora, pude trabajar con la otredad y encontrarme ahí en ellos también. Venir a Barcelona, cambio mi vida. Gracias #notasdeviajefabela #barcelonaef #arteterapiabcn #metaforaBCN #verano2019 #barcelona

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

Desde Alicante Julia Picó y su estudio de caso: "UN EJEMPLO DE RESILENCIA" En este trabajo presenta cómo nuestros orígenes y los vínculos que establecemos en la primera etapa de desarrollo infantil, son fundamentales en la creación de nuestra identidad. Y cómo, a través del proceso arteterapéutico, la creación artística y la capacidad de resiliencia de un niño de adopción internacional que ha sufrido negligencia sus primeros años de vida, se ofrece la oportunidad de poder volver a encontrarse a sí mismos. Colectivos: infancia, trauma y adopción. Jpicopalomes@gmail.com @asimetriaprojects #art #arte #creatividad #crear #mind #infancia #arteterapiabcn #arteterapia #arteterapiavalencia #arteterapiabarcelona #arteterapiamadrid #adopcion

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

Technique tricks that you have to find out for yourself when you didn’t study painting as an education or with a teacher: Laying layers in drawing is 100% the opposite of laying layers in a painting. I got stuck wanting to paint this plantlike texture behind the hand, but felt so sorry to possibly lose the cool forms I already got. In other to find out about the patterns, I looked at one of my favorite artists in this field: @loisvb . She has done some amazing backgrounds that look free, lush and believable at the same time. To stay safe and train my hand, I decided to draw it on paper instead of painting it strait away on canvas. Lois’ reference I used was painted. And then I saw: those were at least 3 layers of “plants”. Now if you want to do that using just lines, the frontal ones need be drawn first and stay free of the lines of the plants that are supposedly underneath them. Yet in PAINTING you paint a first layer of forms, than add another one (or more) on top, covering the ones underneath! So there we go, I gotta let go of attachment and freely cover those lovely lines and forms up! This is pretty new for me and it’s going to cost me horrors to do it.... but I am ready for it!!! #nothingtolose

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

People usually overestimate what they can do in a year, but underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years. Wise lessons I learned out of a book many years ago. This photo proves those words to be true: On the bottom: one of my very first paintings on canvas, behind it: a recent painting. I like to show this because it illustrates that I wasn’t born with certain paintingskills. At all. All I had was a unstoppable drive to create, to listen to my heart, or soul, however you want to call it. This drive, and my given curiosity for learning were the fertile ground from which the inspiration could grow into what it is nowadays. So to all you beginning creatives (no matter what your age is!) I would like to say: surf that drive. Don’t ever stop making! Crisis in whatever form (creative, economic, spiritual) is part of the path. Let’s be honest, if it was all a paved road, there would be no fun in it!!!

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

Last Sunday I did my very first “painting”workshop. Really funny if you think about it: I ‘ve been teaching regular Biodanza classes for over a year now, giving all sorts of workshops on personal development for ... over I-don’t-know how long... But never a live painting workshop ! Perhaps that’s the famous “impostor syndrome”? I think I have nothing to bring here? Or at least that I should have “more” knowledge/skills to give to the followers of the workshop. Nonsense... I know... yet .... it’s there! Lucky for me these 4 participants were very eager and in a bit over an hour went home with their own painted eye!

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

un procés artístic que es guia segons les necessitats de cada persona tant a nivell físic, com vital, emocional i biogràfic. La vivència artística porta a la persona a identificar les seves fortaleses i recursos per tal de poder equilibrar, reforçar, o sanar. Busca ressaltar la bellesa, el benestar, i l'optimisme, l'amor i retornar l'harmonia allà on hi pot haver desequilibri, dolència, tristesa, malestar, nerviosisme. S'aplica tant en l'àmbit individual com en grup. -------------------------------------------------------- La ARTETERAPIA HAUSCKA es un proceso artístico que se guía según las necesidades de cada persona tanto a nivel físico, como vital, emocional y biográfico. La vivencia artística lleva a la persona a identificar sus fortalezas y recursos para poder equilibrar, reforzar, o sanar. Busca resaltar la belleza, el bienestar, el optimismo, el amor y devolver la armonía allá donde puede haber desequilibrio, dolencia, tristeza, malestar, nerviosismo. Se aplica tanto en el ámbito individual como en grupo. #joanademestre #joanademestreartterapia #artterapia #arteterapia #artterapiabcn #arteterapiabcn #terapiaartistica

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

Molt contenta d’anunciar-vos que a partir d’ara ofereixo sessions d’artteràpia a nivell individual i en grup al centre de Salut Psique i art, Gran Via Carles III 50-52, L, baixos. #joanademestre #joanademestreartterapia #artterapia #artterapiabcn #arteterapia #psiqueiart #arteterapiabcn #arteterapiantroposofica #arteterapiantroposoficabarcelona #arteterapiaengrupo #arteterapiaindividual

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

Fil de llum, precios exercici d’artteràpia fet avui per una dona. #joanademestre #joanademestreartterapia #joanademestrearteterapia #artterapia #arteterapia #artterapiantroposofica #arteterapiantroposofica #terapia #terapiandividual #color #luz #sanar #transformacio #transformacion #arteterapiabcn

Хештеги на тему #ARTETERAPIABCN

Final del taller, metamorfosi d’un arbre en 9 passos. Un procés profund i sanador. Gracies noies! #joanademestre #joanademestreartterapia #joanademestrearteterapia #artesaludable #artsaludable #artterapia #srteterapia #arteterapiaengrupo #artterapiaengrup #artterapiantroposofica #arteterapiantroposofica #terapia #salud #sanar #proceso #proces #transformar #arbol #bcnartterapia #artterapiabcn #arteterapiabcn #artterapiasantcugat #arteterapiasantcugat

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