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Мир, Труд, Май!!! Друзья!!! ️
А у меня вторая часть Марлезонского балета...
Мыло с шелком и ментолом
Мыло гель не проходило, очень долго было мягким-зреть ему недель 6... Аромат очень приятный, свежий-ближе к мужскому, но все же унисекс
#мылоснуля #натуральноемыло #крафтовоемыло #мыло #мылоснулямосква #мыловарение #мылоручнойработы #мыловарениеснуля #ручнаяработа #домашнеемыло #мылосментолом #мылосшелком #зеленоемыло #handmadesoap #handmadesoaps #soaps #cpsoap #soapmaking #soapshare #oliveoil #cpsoapmaking #artisansoapmaker #naturalsoaps
صابون صناعة يدوية بزبدة الكاكاو وخليط من الزيوت النباتية مع توليفة من زيت عطري أساسي مستخلص من عشبة الليمون وزيت عطري اساسي البرغمورت.
صابون زبدة الكاكو الغنية بمضادات الأكسدة وفيتامين "إي " يساعد على الترطيب وتوحيد لون البشرة، كما يساعد على الاسترخاء بفضل خصائص الزيوت العطرية المستخدمة - مناسب لكل انواع البشرة.
Handmade soap of cocoa butter and plant based oils, with a fresh, calming smell, a blend of lemongrass and bergamot essential oils, perfect for getting even and glowing skin and suitable for all skin types.
Mój kosmos :). #soap #soaps #handmadesoap #handmadesoaps #naturalsoap #naturalsoaps #cp #cpsoap #cpsoaps #coldprocess #coldprocesssoap #coldprocesssoaps #coldprocessedsoap #coldprocesssoapmaking #coldprocessed #artisansoap #artisansoaps #artisansoapmaker #cosmos #soapdesign #designsoap #mysoap #ilovesoap #handmadesoap #handmadesoaps #myhobby #recznierobione #recznarobota #mydlo #mydlonaturalne #naturalnemydlo #mojehobby
Today's #wetsoapwednesday is a throwback to the Cosmic Wave technique we did in 2015 with @bysteso! Teri @tree_marie_soapworks did a video recently that inspired this latest soap. I realized I hadn't ever revisited this one & it's so much fun! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Included photos of the individual soaps made with the extra soap batter. What do you do with your "pot scrapings"?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#artisansoap #artisansoaps #artisansoapmaker
#handcraftedsoap #handmadesoaps
#soaplove #palmfreesoap
#soapsofinstagram #designsoap #cosmicwavesoap #soapchallengeclub
Making of dandelion zebra soap, thank you to @comemakewithme Anne-Marie Faiola for the recipe!
#artisansoapmaker #soapmaking #coldprocesssoap #artisansoap #albanygreatsouthern #albanywahandmade #albanywa #amazingsouthcoast #greatsouthernregion #soappouring #Handmadeisbetter #coldprocesssoap #handcraftedalbanywa #handmadesoapalbanywa #albanycreatives #cpsoap #soapmaking #dandelionsoap #zebrasoap #artisansoapworks
Do you ever make a soap ~ and you don't know what the heck happened? Haha...well these are mine recently. What I thought was a scent with a good temperament, turned out to be extremely stubborn and I must have left some colorant from a previous soap in my mold since I found red dots all over the sides of these I just sliced it off and it's all good! They are scented in "Summer Rain" and they actually smell so amazing! And kinda cute in their smaller size ☔️☔ #coldprocess #coldprocesssoap #handcraftedsoap #handcraftedsoaps #soap #handmadesoap #artisansoap #savon #artisansoapmaker #soapmaker #soapmaking #minisoaps #whathappened #changeofplans
#summerrain #whattheheck #itsallgood #alwayslearning