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I love you to the moon and back
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Feeling extra grateful for this man today. He doesn’t have it easy dealing with a hormonal, preggo mama, tired from 2 other wild children, who also has extremely unrealistic expectations of the #fixerupper process that we seem to forever be in. Despite that, he still stands behind me. He weathers my hangry moods and stays up late every night building our home only to sleep a couple of hours before getting up to run his own business the next day. This is a stormy phase of life (with tons of rainbows of course) but we’re getting through it together, hand in hand! I guess I should publicly apologize for crying over the socks in the living room now, sorry babe! Pregnancy hormones guys, they’re no joke! .
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Easter egg hunts on the farm Had a lovely, but very quick weekend home with family. These trips are becoming a little less frequent, and also a bit quicker the older we get, and the more established our life gets here in KC. However, as always, I am so incredibly thankful for the time we do get to spend in the Good Life... and returning home tonight my heart feels genuinely happy and renewed. Even at 30, even as a wife and mom with a family of her own, there really is no place like home. #thegoodlife #thereisnoplacelikehome #familyfirst
35 weeks pregnant
We are so close to meeting our baby boy!
I find it so hard to believe that my Mom delivered my brother at week 36 and me at week 38! I feel so unprepared but I think I’ll always feel like this! It’s so intimidating knowing that I’m about to become a Mommy ❤️
Sleeping is my main issue right now, I can’t lay down without feeling like I can’t breath so I’ve been making a nest out of about 300 pillows so that’s fun @ares_bond tucks me into my nest every night I’m also feel so much pressure when I walk & a pinching pain “down there” ♀️ What did you experience near the end of your pregnancy?
Oh and of course Herc is in this picture with me, he doesn’t let me out of his sight and just stares at me like this all day ❤️
Dernière ligne droite ✨
Mon terme est le 23 avril, cette 2ème grossesse touche à sa fin.
Je suis si reconnaissante d’avoir eu la chance de vivre une grossesse sans problème, en pleine forme (en dehors des petits désagréments des 3 premiers mois) et qui m’a permis de conserver mon rythme de travail habituel (même si ces derniers jours, la fatigue se fait sentir). C’était l’une de mes préoccupations au début de la grossesse, et j’ai eu la chance que tout se passe bien.
J’aurais voulu partager plus de choses avec vous sur les routines que j’ai expérimentées pendant ces 9 mois, je le ferai dans les semaines qui arrivent.
Et surtout, j’ai eu le plaisir de pouvoir me glisser chaque jour dans mes modèles chéris Joli Bump, ça change une grossesse! C’était ma motivation quand j’ai créé la marque et ça l’est toujours : vous accompagner pendant cette phase de changements intenses et après ❤️
Et mille mercis à mes invitées du podcast et à vous toutes pour nos échanges autour de Nouveau Chapitre qui m’ont nourrie et m’ont appris tant de choses dont je me suis inspirée pour vivre sereinement ces derniers mois.
Baby boy, maintenant, on t’attend, c’est quand tu veux!
#dernièrelignedroite #theend #bebedavril #comingsoon #mamaiswaiting
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