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¡Ya están aquí vuestras bandoleras japonesas favoritas!
Las bandoleras Maru son muy frescas, fáciles de ajustar y para niños grandes ofrecen un soporte estupendo.
Desde recién nacido hasta los 3 años aproximadamente
Las tenéis disponibles en gasa de algodón y en fular tejido jacquard.
Si deslizáis las fotografías podréis apreciar la diferencia entre los dos tejidos
¡Muy buenas noches familias!
There’s no other dynamic I’d rather team change, house pack, globetrot or flight hop with.
Thank you for still choosing a family when you could’ve chosen solely career, or the way of your peers. It’s been one hell of a ride during your player years and I can’t wait to witness you three during through this new chapter.
Celebrating you Sunday and yesterday and every day, Coach. #murriedwithkids #travelaway #potterandpehar #babywearingdad
My dad was a pretty amazing guy. He never missed a band concert or a home track meet, even after he got sick. He was the kindest soul and always encouraged me to dream big. As much as I miss him, I’m forever grateful he was my dad. ❤️
For those of you experiencing grief or sadness on Father’s Day, you are loved. ❤️
➡️ A quick video of my dad babywearing (my brother - I don’t have many videos of us together). One of my favorite moments we have on video.
CARUS COMPLETE || I've got a stash of carriers and wraps. Adding this to our collection but it's not mine, it's Paul's! This complete carrier is a 4-in-1 carrying system with a detachable backpack! Perfect for dad's who aren't used to dragging around a diaper bag! Thank you @diono for the perfect Father's Day Gift! Swipe to see more! #ad #madeofseattle #diono #dionofamily #dionobaby #caruscomplete #caruscarrier #dionodads