barreteacher barre barrefitness barreworkout barrefit barreinstructor barreclass barrelove barresohard barrebabes barrestrong barrelife barreburn barrestudio barremoves barretender meetmeatthebarre pilates yoga yogateacher barreteachertraining barretraining barrestar fitness barretribe fitnessmotivation yogaeverydamnday barrebody barrevariations raisethebarre barretraining
I’ve taught too many hours ⏰ said yes when I should’ve said no didn’t have enough hours of work, drove too many hours around just to teach one ☝️ hour, struggled with boundaries started over many many times from scratch, and have let fear stop me from thriving
All of my experiences have taught me invaluable lessons that I have worked through and now get to share with YOU What were obstacles have become opportunities for my business as well as a chance to help others!
Do you feel stuck? Fired up to create something of your own? Ready for more? Or don’t know ♀️ where you want to keep growing?
I’VE GOT YOU! One-on-one coaching with me will help YOU define your individual needs,
determine your goals, and develop a program to take action
Ready for the NEXT STEP?! Click the link in the bio and select coaching to schedule your “Principal” call!
#barre #barreburn #barrebabes #barrefitness #barreworkout #theresplentyofroomatthebarre #barrewhereyouare #barrestrong #barrelove #barrelife #barrefit #barrestrong #barresohard #barrebesties #barreteacher #barre #barrevariations #raisethebarre #barrestar #barreteacher #barreinstructo #barreclass #barrestudio #barretribe #meetmeatthebarre #raisingthebarretogether #barretender #barrebabesunite #barresquad #barretraining
LET’S BURN THOSE THIGHS #barre #barreclass #barreworkout #barrelove #barreaddict #barresohard #barrestudio #barrestrong #barrelife #barreteacher #barrefitness #barrefit #barreinstructor #workout #fitnessmotivation #barremotivation #meetmeatthebarre #barrebody #fit #fitlife #fitness #fitnessgirl #fitspo #fitnessaddict
When you’re looking to elevate the heart❣️rate, big range of motion is one way to get you there.
If the knee joints are holding class participants back from getting low during V (first position) knee bends, try widening the leg stance.
Check out this class in full on . “6/18/19: STEPHANIE”
#barreintensity #barrecertification #barretraining #barreinstructor #barreteacher #barre #barreteachertraining #barrefitness #fitnessinspiration #onlinefitness #barrestudio #barrelife #pilates #yoga #fitnessmotivation #barrefit #yogainstructor #pilatesinstructor #fitness #barretender #barremoves #barreworkout #barrechoreography
Always is a good time for barre #barreverywhere #barre #barrestudio #barreworkout #barrefit #barrefitness #barreteacher #barreburn #barresohard #barrebabes #barrebody #barreinstructor #barreeverywhere #barreaddict #barrelove #barrealways #barrelife #meetmeatthebarre #barrebabes #barrestudio #barrestrong #cardiobarre #barreteacher #Amsterdam #netherlands #holanda
HARD WORKOUT WITH THIS BARRETENDERS!!! BE dbarrestudio @dbarrestudio #barreclass #barre #barreburn #barrebabes #barresohard #barrelove #barreaddict #barreteacher #barreinstructor #barreworkout #barrefitness #barrefit #barreaddict #barrelife #barrestudio #barreforeverybody #barregirl #abs #absworkout #bootyworkout #barrelife #meetmeatthebarre #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitlife
Playing with my new @toneybands I’m not big on heavy weights (personally, and for no reason other than I don’t like my arms overly muscular) so having these wrist weights on while I’m working out ️♀️ is the answer to what I need Also, I get to move my arms like in a dance class, elongate, and Swan Lake myself around in class
What’s your favorite barre prop?! Share below
#barre #barreburn #barrebabes #barrefitness #barreworkout #theresplentyofroomatthebarre #barrewhereyouare #barrestrong #barrelove #barrelife #barrefit #barrestrong #barresohard #barrebesties #barreteacher #barre #barrevariations #raisethebarre #barrestar #barreteacher #barreinstructo #barreclass #barrestudio #barretribe #meetmeatthebarre #raisingthebarretogether #barretender #barrebabesunite #barresquad #barretraining
it’s always good to come home, but i am missing the magic of telluride ⛰✨
i like to find a little bit of time to move when i’m on vacation because otherwise my body (and mind!) become cranky.
usually that means walking/hiking, sun salutations and some quick core and glute work.
resistance bands are my favorite travel accessory because they are efficient - you can pack in a lot in just a few minutes!
#barre #barresohard #barrebabe #barrebabes #barreburn #barreteacher #barreworkout #barrebody #barrefitness #barreinstructor #barrelove #meetmeatthebarre #pilates #pilateslovers #pilatesbody #gluteworkout #plank #forearmplank #resistancebandsworkout #telluride