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#bikefishing #bikepacking #fishing #cycling #gravel #tenkararodco #mountains #adventurebybike #apidura #bigagnes #bikingforchange #blackburndesign #camping #cleanwater #crowdfunding #flyfishing #goneriding #gooutside #halawaalforjas #incatrail #landscapes #lightuplife #makeadifference #peru #portraits #qeros #solarpower #specialized #specializedepic #travelphotography

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #BIKEFISHING
#bikefishing #fishingbike #bikefishinghawaii #biketofishing #bikefishinghaiku #bikefishingpoleholder #bikefishingcampout #bikefishingfriday #bikefishingadventure #bikefishinggolf #bikefishingcamp #bikefishing101 #bikefishingboise #bikefishingbc #bikefishingbanff #bikefishingforthewin #bikefishingwithsteve #bikefishingwadingjacket #bikefishinguruguay

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

I just rode my loaded XC bike above the clouds, through a VERY challenging Trail, in order to donate solar lights (@mpowerdinc) to Molulo (a remote community which can only be reached by foot or horse through an ancient Inca Trail) ☺ If everything works fine, in less than a month I'll be cycling for 3 months at Peru, in order to donate family portraits, water filters & solar lights to remote Q'eros communities The Q’eros people are known as the wisdom keepers of the Andes. Considered to be the “último ayllu inka,” or the last Incan communities of Peru, the Q’eros strive to preserve and promote their indigenous ethnic and cultural identity... and have been designated by Peru’s Ministry of Culture a “national living cultural patrimony” for the continuity of its ancient Andean traditions. The remote villages of Q’eros are located between 12,000 & 16,000 feet above sea level in the snow-capped Cordilleras. Despite the harsh conditions to which they are exposed, and a history as targets of discrimination & marginalization, the Q’eros people endure. PLEASE help me to deliver a solar light to each family: www.gofundme.com/qeros2019 . . @iamspecialized_adv @mpowerdinc @bigagnes_ . . #specialized #apidura #LightUpLife #wekeepyououtdoors #bigagnes #tenkaraRodCo #halawaalforjas #cycling #bikepacking #bikefishing #adventurebybike #mountains #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #travelphotography #gooutside #goneriding #singletrack #clouds #roamfree #cleanwater #solarpower #specializedepic #gravel #landscape #peru #qeros

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

Tierra del Fuego y el frío de las mañanas, los mates húmedos del bosque. El lago que invita a probar suerte en la pesca. Un pequeño visón llega al campamento y nos mira curioso. También llega una nube, la brisa. Va a ser un largo día en la isla... @nacionsalvaje #bikelife #@gtbicyclesarg #srslyfun @gtbicycles #bikepacking #GreaTMoments #patagonia #bikefishing #tierradelfuego #adventurecycling #cycling #nomadlife #bikewander

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

I just rode a VERY challenging Inca Trail, in order to donate solar lights at Molulo, a remote community up in the mountains, which can not be reached by motorized vehicles. UNFORTUNATELY my beloved camera broke (after 3 years of faithful service with this Little Personal Project) and I'll need HELP to replace it before my next trip: www.gofundme.com/qeros2019 www.paypal.me/theironlyportrait In less than a month I'll be cycling at Peru (for 3 months), in order to donate family portraits, water filters & solar lights to remote Q'eros communities The Q’eros people are known as the wisdom keepers of the Andes. Considered to be the “último ayllu inka,” or the last Incan communities of Peru, the Q’eros strive to preserve and promote their indigenous ethnic and cultural identity... and have been designated by Peru’s Ministry of Culture a “national living cultural patrimony” for the continuity of its ancient Andean traditions. The remote villages of Q’eros are located between 12,000 & 16,000 feet above sea level in the snow-capped Cordilleras. Despite the harsh conditions to which they are exposed, and a history as targets of discrimination & marginalization, the Q’eros people endure. . . @iamspecialized_adv @mpowerdinc @bigagnes_ . . #specialized #apidura #LightUpLife #wekeepyououtdoors #bigagnes #tenkaraRodCo #halawaalforjas #cycling #bikepacking #bikefishing #adventurebybike #mountains #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #travelphotography #gooutside #goneriding #crowdfunding #Fujifilm #roamfree #cleanwater #solarpower #specializedepic #IncaTrail #gravel #gofundme #peru #qeros

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

After exploring Patagonia for 3 months, I'll be bike-rafting among Jaguars, alligators, & piranhas, in order to donate water filters to 20 remote healthcare centers & rural schools, solar lights to 30 families, and 100 portraits for those who had none... DO YOU WANT TO JOIN MY CAUSE? My name is Federico Cabrera, but you can call me Fede. I'm a photographer usually cycling through beautiful but impoverished rural areas, to make, print, and give away portraits to families who won't otherwise ever have a family photograph... and also to donate water filters & solar lights to the families who need them most . #specialized #LightUpLife #WeKeepYouOutdoors #hyperlitemountaingear #apidura #ergonBike #livefeetfirst #tenkaraRodCo #halawaAlforjas #Patagonia #cycling #bikepacking #bikerafting #bikefishing #packrafting #flyfishing #adventurebybike #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #lessismore #gooutside #goneriding #livesimple #enjoylife #cleanwater #solarpower #portraits #gravel @iamspecialized_adv @wildernesstrailbikes @blackburndesign @voilestraps @apidura

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

Loving the @jonesbikes as a troutmobile. #bikefishing #findyourwater

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

@iamspecialized_adv Epic in "humanitarian mode" (loaded with donations)... in just a couple of days I'll finally be bike-rafting among Jaguars, alligators, & piranhas, in order to donate water filters to 20 remote healthcare centers & rural schools, solar lights to 30 families, and 100 portraits for those who had none... DO YOU WANT TO JOIN MY CAUSE? My name is Federico Cabrera, but you can call me Fede. I'm a photographer usually cycling through beautiful but impoverished rural areas, to make, print, and give away portraits to families who won't otherwise ever have a family photograph... and also to donate water filters & solar lights to the families who need them most . #specialized #LightUpLife #WeKeepYouOutdoors #hyperlitemountaingear #apidura #ergonBike #livefeetfirst #tenkaraRodCo #halawaAlforjas #Patagonia #cycling #bikepacking #bikerafting #bikefishing #specializedepic #flyfishing #adventurebybike #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #lessismore #gooutside #goneriding #livesimple #enjoylife #cleanwater #solarpower #portraits #epic @iamspecialized @apidura @halawaalforjas

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

Most people think the Epic is just a XC bike, but with a couple small tweaks it can be a FANTASTIC bikepacking rig! My plan is to make it a little bit more "trail oriented" as the full-suspension EVO sibling... just get a wider bar, a slightly larger fork (120mm), a dropper post, & wider tires (you can even fit 27.5+) and you can tackle almost any challenge In just a couple of days I'll finally be bike-rafting among Jaguars, alligators, & piranhas, in order to donate water filters to 20 remote healthcare centers & rural schools, solar lights to 30 families, and 100 portraits for those who had none... DO YOU WANT TO JOIN MY CAUSE? My name is Federico Cabrera, but you can call me Fede. I'm a photographer usually cycling through beautiful but impoverished rural areas, to make, print, and give away portraits to families who won't otherwise ever have a family photograph... and also to donate water filters & solar lights to the families who need them most . #specialized #LightUpLife #WeKeepYouOutdoors #hyperlitemountaingear #apidura #ergonBike #livefeetfirst #tenkaraRodCo #halawaAlforjas #Patagonia #cycling #bikepacking #specializedepic #bikefishing #packrafting #flyfishing #adventurebybike #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #lessismore #gooutside #goneriding #livesimple #enjoylife #cleanwater #solarpower #portraits #epic @iamspecialized_adv @apidura

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

After exploring Patagonia for 3 months, I'll be bike-rafting among Jaguars, alligators, & piranhas, in order to donate water filters to 20 remote healthcare centers & rural schools, solar lights to 30 families, and 100 portraits for those who had none... DO YOU WANT TO JOIN MY CAUSE? My name is Federico Cabrera, but you can call me Fede. I'm a photographer usually cycling through beautiful but impoverished rural areas, to make, print, and give away portraits to families who won't otherwise ever have a family photograph... and also to donate water filters & solar lights to the families who need them most . #LightUpLife #WeKeepYouOutdoors #hyperlitemountaingear #apidura #ergonBike #livefeetfirst #tenkaraRodCo #halawaAlforjas #Patagonia #cycling #bikepacking #bikerafting #bikefishing #packrafting #flyfishing #adventurebybike #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #lessismore #gooutside #goneriding #livesimple #enjoylife #cleanwater #solarpower #portraits #gravel #prints @iamspecialized_adv @wildernesstrailbikes @blackburndesign @voilestraps @apidura

Хештеги на тему #BIKEFISHING

If you are planning a bike-rafting adventure without dragging panniers & racks, you'll need a very good backpack (especially if you're planning a long trip). For me the Windrider 3400 (@hyperlite_mountain_gear) has the perfect balance between comfort, size, & weight... and don't forget your UL flyfishing rod & sandals After 3 months exploring Southern Patagonia, I'll be bike-rafting among Jaguars, alligators, & piranhas, in order to donate 20 community water filters to remote rural schools & healthcare centers, solar lights to 30 families, and 100 portraits for those who had none... DO YOU WANT TO JOIN MY CAUSE? My name is Federico Cabrera, but you can call me Fede. I'm a photographer usually cycling through beautiful but impoverished rural areas, to make, print, and give away portraits to families who won't otherwise ever have a family photograph... and also to donate water filters & solar lights to the families who need them most . . #LightUpLife #WeKeepYouOutdoors #hyperlitemountaingear #Apidura #ErgonBike #livefeetfirst #TenkaraRodCo #Patagonia #cycling #bikepacking #bikerafting #bikefishing #packrafting #flyfishing #adventurebybike #bikingforchange #travelwithpurpose #makeadifference #dogood #lessismore #gooutside #goneriding #livesimple #enjoylife #cleanwater #solarpower #portraits #wheretonext @goalzero @wildernesstrailbikes @blackburndesign @apidura @voilestraps

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