blackwellness wellness selfcare selflove blacklove melanin nutrition blackgirlmagic blackgirlswhoblog blackhealth health holistichealth blackempowerment blackfitness blackmentalhealth blackwomenshealth exercise fitness healing melaninmagic mentalhealth unapologeticallyoily blackgirlswhowrite blackhealthmatters blacklivesmatter blackmentalhealthmatters blackvegan blackwomen cleaneating healthyeating abujayoutubersunite
I've been focusing on my intentions.
Being intentional with my words.
Being intentional with the content I put out.
And being intentional with my energy.
It can be hard becoming more present & mindful with the big and small things we do in life. Now more than ever, it can be easy to spread our attention thin with social media, comparisons, overextending ourselves to feel 'worthy' and plenty more. .
I'm choosing to dive deeper into what works for me.. what resonates with me. And puting more intention into *that*
THIS!!!! #Repost @drdovesays (@get_repost)
Being in the helping profession has allowed me to gain years of practice advocating for, inspiring, supporting, and championing others. I've heard the phrases "Oh you're strong" "You got this"... and even questioned within my circle/family who truly calls just to check on me, why am I always doing the checking?
I've also realized that I must learn to master this skill for myself. I've been meditating, speaking positive affirmations, adopting a positive mindset (to quiet the inner critic), journaling, and taking space to care for myself. This is how I embody being my own cheerleader.
In honor of mental health awareness month, make sure to check on those doing the checking- therapists, clinicians, social workers, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, practitioners, and healers. We need ❤ too!
#drdovesays #blacktherapist #blackmentalhealth #blackwellness #blackawareness #blackconsciousness #therapyforblackgirls #blackexcellence #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #blackgirlsrock #blackgirlmagic #vibehigher #vibratehigher #selfcare #socialworker #blacksocialworkers #mindfulness #cheerleader #mentalhealth
As soon as a woman learns she’s pregnant, she naturally starts worrying about everything. However, one of the most overwhelming aspects of “momming” that’s hard to anticipate and even harder to shield off is the mom shame/guilt we receive from others. It’s absolutely freaking ridiculous. .
To be completely transparent, there’s so many aspects of “momming” I’ve had to personally come to peace with and ignore the internal chatter about caused by external forces including: Unplanned pregnancy (getting preggers with my first after a short time after getting engaged. Even though I was 28 years old, I still felt “I was doing it wrong” fast forward 9 years, we still haven’t officially jumped the broom yet and we just had baby #2♀️)
Formula Feeding/Breastfeeding: I’ve done both. My first was formula fed, and I’m still nursing my 2nd going on 13 months. This is a topic laced with guilt and shame at every turn. In the end, I’m a “do what’s best for mom & baby” gal because I’ve been on both sides. Working Mom/Work-At-Home: Another sh$tshow of guilt and shame. Guilt and shame if you go to work, stay at home, and even if you work at home. NONE are easy for a mom. Medicated Birth: Despite my pursuit of a (relatively) natural lifestyle, I’ve had an epidural TWICE. This shocks others but I did what I felt was best for me to push through at the time. I didn’t go into either as a first choice, but when those contractions hit and peaked, I made the best choice for me. This has got a sideeye by those in the “natural” community .
I’m sharing as part of @herholisticpath’s #shamefreemama challenge because we women need to stop letting our differences divide us. We are all amazing and need to support each other, not shame or guilt. Doing what’s best for mom and baby is ALWAYS first, screw everyone else. Feel free to share your mom guilt below just to release it, then tell it to kick rocks. ✌✌✌✌✌
#momlife #mommyblogger #momblogger #blackwellness #blackmom #blackmomsblog #momguilt #itsmeladyg #njmom #njblogger
I wanted to reintroduce myself for any new friends here!
⚡I am the Creator, Co-Founder, & CEO of @wellnesscon , an annual 2-day outdoor conference centered on diversity in the wellness space through talks, panels, & workshops. We just completed WellnessCon 2019 last weekend and I'm still recovering from the incredible magic that everyone brought into the space!
I truly believe in the power of community when it comes to manifesting true health in this country. It was the topic of my TedX Talk when I was a @sfa_jacks student and it's something I will continue to promote and foster in the work that I do.
⚡Speaking of public health & community, I just got certificatied as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner from @ntatraining in May! And I plan on starting a monthly Women's Group Nutrition Program all online where we can meet our wellness goals & learn about women's hormones & nutrition together!
All this, while creating more informational wellness videos on my YouTube channel, Alina Alive that has now reached over 21k Subscribers who've joined the community!
This summer, my centering intention is balance and clarity. Getting back to balance after this crazy year of WellnessCon & my functional nutrition training. And clarity on the best ways I can serve you all moving forward.
What are your intentions for this summer? And how crazy is it that we have 6 months until 2020!?! Comment below
#HolisticHealth #nutritionist #wellnessblog #plantmedicine #plantbasednutrition #herbalism #herbalist #herbalremedies #ntp #alkalinevegan #blackmentalhealth #blacktherapist #BlackVegan #highcarbvegan #knowthyself #whatveganseat #blackvegansofig #blackherbalist #blackhealth #blackwellness #whatveganseat #wellnessblogger #pocpodcasts #blackpodcasters #vegansofig
“I stopped eating meat and dairy and my body began to love me back” @locdnurse Read Jada’s testimony
#vegans #vegansofig #blackvegan #blackvegans #blackvegansofig #blackvegansrock #afrovegan #veganforhealth #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet #blackwomenmatter #blackhealth #blackwomenempowerment #blackwomenlosingweight #blackwomenworkout #blackwomenfitness #plantbasedvegan #healthiswealth #whatthehealth #blackvegetarian #girltrek #plantpoweredsistas #blackwellness #sistasinspiringsistas
Calendula Infused Olive Oil. This is solar-infused over six weeks. Calendula is one of my favorite flowers to work with because it reminds me so much of the sun and summer. Plus, it has great healing benefits:
anti-inflammatory heals wounds, cuts and scrapes soothe skin irritations such as eczema and dryness
antimicrobial and antiviral
Our chamomile Infused Body Oil is solar-infused for six weeks in olive oil. No, that’s not a typo. This blend is simple but the simplest remedies can make the difference. This is a wonderful blend for those with sensitive skin, babies and those with eczema. Chamomile provides relief, restores and heals. If you love chamomile leave a ❤️ Click the link in the bio to grab a bottle ✨