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Have you been having difficulty sleeping lately? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. More and more people suffer from insomnia each year whether it’s caused by stress, illness, medication or other factors. One of the reasons you might be sleep deprived is too much exposure to blue light via computer screens, phones, and artificial lighting. This exposure to blue light especially close to bed time suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycle. I realized how much exposure to blue light I get every day and how bad it is for my eyes and health in general so I decided to get blue blocker glasses that decrease the exposure to blue light. I’ve never had to wear regular glasses but I’m really enjoying wearing these. They’re super light weight and my eyes don’t get as tired at the evening.
Anyone else has an experience with blue blocking glasses?
Máte potíže s usínáním? Určitě nejste sami. Víc a víc lidí se dnes bohužel potýká s insomnií ať už je to kvůli stresu, nemoci, či lékům nebo jiným příčinám. Jedním z důvodů proč nemůžete spát může být příliš modrého světla z počítačů, telefonů a umělého osvětlení. Pokud jste vystaveni modrému světlu zejména před spaním tak potlačujete přírodní sekreci hormonu (melatonin) který reguluje spánek. Já jsem si uvědomila jak moc se každý den vystavuji modrému světlu (když natáčim, pracuji na počítači, koukám na telku) a jak je to špatné pro můj zrak a celkové zdraví, tak jsem si pořídila brýle co blokují modré světlo. Nikdy jsem brýle nenosila ale tyhle si užívám. Jsou lehounké a moje oči už nejsou tak unavené.
Máte někdo zkušenosti s brýlemi co blokují modré světlo?
#zuzka #zuzkalight #zgym #blueblockers #blueblockerglasses #jins #health #bettersleep #czechfitness #zdravi
Four years ago, I learned about mitochondria, the little engines in our cells that keep us alive by burning our food with oxygen to make water and energy. I learned that when we are young, our mitochondria work very well, and they slowly lose their efficiency as we age. I learned that health is a synonym for “how well our mitochondria work”, because when we can make energy well, we feel energized and our body can do everything it needs.
I learned that all modern chronic diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, obesity, diabetes, autism, autoimmune diseases, and even depression are mitochondrial diseases, meaning that certain tissues’ mitochondria are severely damaged in those diseases and that my issues were mitochondrial, too.
I learned that mitochondria are “electromagnetic” in nature, meaning that how they process our food and make energy is controlled by light. This explained why diet alone was not enough to actually cure my symptoms.
It further clarified to me how so many people struggle with diet and exercise as their only strategies for health, and why focusing on diet, exercise, and supplements alone to improve health is like focusing only on the gas when trying to fix a car with a broken engine.
The most important time for mitochondrial function is SLEEP. I learned that every night, a hormone called melatonin helps to repair our mitochondria, and that my late-night TV, phone, and computer use was destroying my melatonin level and mitochondria, because light frequencies in these devices mimic the sun and trick the brain into thinking that it’s daytime.
#bluelight #health #sleep #circadianrhythms #light #biohack #biohacking #mitohacking #blueblockers #mitochondria #sleepbetter #quantumbiology #elevatinghumanity
"I swear it's all true, you see there's this thing called the Superchiasmatic Nucleus, you with me...?"
#bluelight #health #sleep #circadianrhythms #light #biohack #biohacking #mitohacking #blueblockers #photobiology #photobiomodulation #antiinflammatory #mitochobdria #regeneration #love #quantumbiology #elevatinghumanity
So by now im sure you've all heard its not good to look at your phones at night. But its more than just your phone, all artificial light from your tablet to your television to your laptop to any bright light will destroys your melatonin production at night. When you expose yourself to artificial light at night it signals to your brain that it is day time, your brain then stops secreting melatonin. Melatonin is are sleep and anti aging hormone. Poor sleep is linked to weight gain, anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease and most other health issues. But in this modern day society where we are so intertwined with are technology its a lot to ask to shut out all blue light by 7pm or 8pm everynight. So every night when the sunsets i slip on my blue blocker glasses by @ra_optics to counter act all the artificial light, and ive noticed my sleep has been much better. If any of you are having trouble sleeping i definitely suggest you give them a try
Photo: @beautifulsoulsaligned
Glasses: @ra_optics
What I mean is, do you own your environment at night?
Or is your friend'sscreen stealing your melatonin?
Are the headlights shining right into your eyes as you drive home? Are there on every wall of the restaurant? Is your bedroom light an LED?
Or do you wear Ra Optics and own the night?
By wearing the highest quality blue blocking glasses after the sun has set, you give yourself optimal sleep by removing that blue light for at least 3 hours before your head hits the pillow.
Sweet Dreams
#bluelight #health #sleep #circadianrhythms #light #biohack #biohacking #mitohacking #blueblockers #photobiology #photobiomodulation #antiinflammatory #mitochondria #regeneration #love #quantumbiology #elevatinghumanity #health #blueblockers #sleep #bluelight #wellness #bluelightblockingglasses #quantumhealth #bluelightblockers #bluelightglasses #healthyliving #ra_optics
Your mitochondria are like the bunny ears antenna on an old fashioned TV.
Actually, that's almost exactly like what they are.
They receive the signals from the electromagnetic frequency of their environment and adjust accordingly.
For the last few billion years, all life and its mitochondria has been irradiated by the Sun. The light of the Sun shaped life as we know it.
Life is basically a smart solar panel with complicated emotions.
Until about 200 years ago when we severely messed with that.
We took the electromagnetic force out of the hands of mother nature and as a result, we have flooded our mitochondria with toxic, non native electromagnetic frequencies.
We got WiFi and Snapchat, but we also got disease of the mind and the body.
So get out of the house and back into the Sun. Turn your WiFi router off when you go to bed. And after dark, wear the most stylish blue blocking glasses you can find.
I hear Ra Optics are the best on the market
#eyehealth #eyecare #junklight #bluelight #biohack #biohacking #iamwellandgood #mindbodygreen #innerfire #wmh #healthandwellness #blueblockers#sleepbetter #bettersleep
What are you smiling about today?!
I'm smiling because 1️⃣ It's Thursday which means date night and 2️⃣ I'm obsessed with my new @diffeyewear blue light blocking glasses!
Being an online entrepreneur I spend an ABSURD amount of time in front of screens ️ I had no idea how hard it was on my eyes until I tried these glasses. Now, I can't work without them! My eyes are so much less tired and it feels good to protect them
Two bonuses? They look super cute, AND they donate a pair of reading glasses to someone in need for each pair sold, which makes me love their brand even more
Click the link in my bio to snag a pair for yourself and use the code "GROWNUPGIRL" to get $10 off the blue light blocking glasses #lovediff #diffeyewear
[S l e e p] is more important than you think. Sleep is the time when apoptosis and autophagy come into play. These processes clear out and repair any dead or damaged cells that may lead to diseases such as cancer and neurological problems such as Alzheimer’s. During the day our mitochondria produce ATP which gives us energy to be alive. By the end of our biological days the waste product of ATP, adenosine, builds up in our brains, these is toxic to humans if left uncleared. During sleep our body rids itself of adenosine keeping us healthy and disease free. Poor sleep means inadequate adenosine clearance and less autophagy and apoptosis which leads to the body being in the disease state. Ensure you get the best sleep possible!!!