fabric boystoo bestdressedbabe buyitall clothingforkids coolkids fashionforkids handmadeclothing hoodedromper instafamous instagrammodel knits leggings macykateboutique modelbaby romper sezzle sezzleit shopmkb shopsmall smallshop starbucks style stylish toocutekids tshirt beauty children himtoo
Still not asking for it: No matter what you wear you are never asking for it. Nobody is asking to be catcalled because they are walking alone. Nobody is asking to be harassed because they show some skin. Many women dress to feel comfortable, to feel pretty, and to have confidence in themselves, and every woman has a particular style that accomplishes these goals for her. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Man, woman, boy, or girl, not one person is asking for assault of any kind because of their attire because #thewaywedressdoesnotmeanyes! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
one of the best @eliteego and MUA @gdanita1 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#sexyaftersexualassault #bodypositivity #consent #consentisnecessary #nomeansno #nomeansno #dontrape #tellyourstory #sexed101 #sexed #sexpositivefamilies #metoo #metoomovement #timesup #iwillspeakup #educational #mentoo #boystoo #empowerwomen #bystanderintervention #consentiseverything #seesomethingsaysomething #cosplayisnotconsent #rapeculture #feministpositivity #survivornotavictim #supportoneanother #alllivesmatter #endservinginsilence
Kindness and compassion, love and understanding for all. I am very passionate about mental health. This resonates with me. #creatingchange #menshealth #mentalhealth #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #boysfeeltoo #everyonecounts #love #bekind #itsthelittlethings #itsokaynottobeokay #imlistening #boystoo #mentoo #equality #feelings #squaddynasty
We are not taking a comprehensive approach to ending child sexual abuse if we address this problem as an issue that only or mostly affects girls.
Many have interpreted the #metoo and #believesurvivors movement to be in relation to the abuse of women and girls, which only serves to ostracize boys and men being victimized or working to heal from their past experiences, keeping their right to safety from being acknowledged and defended.
On average male survivors wait much longer to tell than women.
Society continues to ignore the risk to our boys under the assumption it cannot happen to them, that they can better protect themselves or that sexual abuse is not as harmful or even desirable, if the perpetrator is a women.
Our boys need to know that we value their safety and mental health and are doing our best to protect and support them.
Silence enables abuse, and it disables healing.
We stand with all male survivors in solidarity to raise awareness that #boystoo and #mentoo suffer greatly from sexual abuse and they need more understand and support from family, partners. friends, and society at large.
MaleSurvivor 1in6 and Incest Survivors United Voices Of America are three organizations that are doing great work to address this need.
#RockTheTalk #bodilyautonomy #boystoo #mentoo #malesurvivors #itsonus #defendinnocence #1in6 #speakyoursilence #raisingboys #papabear #parenting #breakthesilence #breakthecycle #mamabeareffect
Myth: child sexual abuse primarily affects girls.
Fact: the ACE study completed during the 1990s involving 17,000 adults found that 1:6 men surveyed disclosed physical sexual abuse by a person at least 5 years older than them, suggesting that the incidence of sexual abuse is even higher than 1:6.
Myth: boys can better protect themselves from abuse
Fact: no child should be expected to protect themselves from abuse and boys are less likely to be educated on the risk than girls.
Fact: boys are less likely to disclose abuse than girls. The shame and lack of conversation often leads them to keep the abuse in secret.
Myth: boys should consider themselves lucky to have sexual interactions with an older women
Fact: boys, even teenagers, lack the mental development to understand the power differential and the mental dysfunction and clear moral failures for a woman to seek a romantic/sexual relationship with a child. The idea that these children should consider themselves ‘lucky’ often further shames them from disclosing and seeking help in healing.
Myth: sex trafficking mostly affects women and girls.
Fact: even law enforcement fail to recognize the prevalence of sexually trafficked males and while resources are lacking for all survivors of sexual violence, it is even more so for male victims and survivors.
We need to talk about the sexual abuse of boys, we need to talk to our boys. We need to protect our boys, too.
Check out 1in6 and MaleSurvivor for resources and support.
#RocktheTalk #mamabeareffect #metoo #boystoo #childsexualabuse #itsonus #nomore #sexualabuse #malesurvivors #nomoresilence #nomoreshame