bsnstudent nursingschool nurse nurselife nurses nursingstudent badgeholder bsnrn love rnstudent handmade hardwork medicine nursesofinstagram artandcraft buttons clinicals collegestudents crafts custombadgeholder custommade goals hospital idbadgeholder life lifestyle nclex rnlife nicunurse
Another difficult year down. Another year with straight As which means my cumulative GPA of 4.0 is still intact! I am officially a senior! By the grace of God, I’ve managed to maintain As in every single class that I’ve taken at my university thus far and now that I’m taking a step back to look at it, I can honestly say I’m proud of myself. Hopefully I can pull it off again next year, but no matter what happens, I am gratified. Senior year here I come! (Note: Our labs and clinicals are Pass [P] or Fail [F] so that’s why there are P’s splattered all over my transcript) #nursingschool #nursingstudent #bsnstudent #preDNP #futurenurse #futuredoctor #presidentslist
We are officially done our third semester of our BSN degree! Looking back we have gained SO much knowledge and expanded our skills more than we could have anticipated! Having clinical on the surgical unit was definitely tough, but such a great experience. We got to practice so many new skills and we truly began feeling like nurses! Although we can’t wait to start on the medical & psych units in the fall, we are SO looking forward to summer! ☀️
#bsn #summer #futurern #nursing #nurses #exams #finals #futurenurse #nursingstudent #healthcare #medicalprofessional #registerednurse #medicine #stethoscope #fun #friends #collegelife #studygram #university #study #coffee #scrubs #starbucks #rn #clinical #lpn #hospital #bsnstudent #studentnurse #summer
❁❁❁ MONTHLY INTENTIONS YA’LL❁❁❁ I cannot believe it’s summer. Pinch me please- where has half of the year gone This month I want to focus on how to amplify my time off... I am not going to lie to you, I’ve been feeling a little bit burnt out at work lately & haven’t been giving myself time to recover in order to be ready for work. So this month I am going to enJOY my time off, move as much as possible, & find ways to make those around me happier.
I also am going to work on being open to the changes that are happening in my life- lots of big things are coming up, and I am going to release some control and let what comes come. I have a good feeling about this month, lots of stuff is coming but it’s going to be gooooddd! What do you guys have happening this month Tell me in the comments below! #livejoyful #monthlyintentions #wellnessjourney #wellnessblogger #nurse #preventnurseburnout #nurseblogger #monthkyintentions #juneintentions #nurse #nurselifern #nurselife #nursingstudent #nuraingschool #bsnstudent #absn #worklifebalanced #balancedlifestyle #balancedlife
Let’s talk about self care.
I had a good friend remind me recently that you “can’t pour from an empty cup”. I know, I know you’re probably all rolling your eyes right now bc that phrase has been beaten to death with use over the past couple of years, but hear me out.
I completely burnt out working in the social work field. I brought my work home, didn’t sleep, and started to feel anxious all the time. And let me tell you... it wasn’t a good look. Some of that I truly believe is because I wasn’t given a foundation of resources to grow from but the other part was my self care sucked.
Self care looks like so many things. It’s saying no to an extra shift when you’re feel mentally and emotionally drained. It’s hitting the gym, going for a run, practicing yoga. It’s meditating or baking or spending time with friends and family that truly make you feel whole again. It counseling or volunteering. The point of self care is to give yourself a break from what you see at the hospital or hear from clients or feel when you have a deadline day in & out. It’s a chance to relax and kick your feet up and PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK for the hard work you are doing.
Self care is not selfish. It’s necessary. Tell me one thing you’re doing lately for self care? And if it’s nonexistent... that’s totally fine too, but let me know!! List ‘em in the comments
#livejoyful #nurse #nurselifern #wearfigs #nurseblogger #nursememes #nursepractitioner #nurselife #nurse #nurseinprogress #nurseries #nursesbelike #laboranddeliverynurse #nicunurse #icunurse #medsurgnurse #medsurgnursing #pedsnurse #ednurse #ernurse #nursingschoolproblems #nursingschoollife #nursingschoolmotivation #absn #bsnstudent #bsngraduate #bsn
***Its THANKful THURSDAY*** and the best way to reflect on your progress is to look at your journey. :
What separates me from many~ is the journey.... WE ALL have one my road was non traditional with alternative routes, exit ramps and acceleration lanes♀️
My goal is to SHOW you~ it’s OK to take the non traditional route if that’s what works for you. Don’t get discouraged~distracted or defeated along the way.... keep pushing!!! Keep celebrating micro wins and macro achievements
It’s THANKful Thusday and today I am sharing one of my MANY reasons... to be thankful~ for the “Journey” :
Signed, Nurse Haskins✍ :
#nursegraduate #nurse graduate #futurenursepractitioner #bsngraduate #bsnstudent #lpnstudent #lpnschool #blacknurseskillinit #melanininmedicine #blacknursesrock #cnatonurse #studentnurses #nursingprogram #motivationthursday #studentnurses #futurelpn #cnatolpn #nursesrock #allnursesrock #medicinestudent #supportnurses #nursessupporttheiryoung #nursinggoals
75 questions in 50 minutes. I felt awful after the exam; the first thing I did after leaving the Pearson Vue center was call my mom and cry on the phone, telling her how I was sure that I failed. 48 hours later, I found out I passed and saw my name posted on the active RN license listing for my state! Finally, after months of waiting for my state to approve me, I am now officially a registered nurse! .
This year has been crazy thus far, I finished nursing school (BSN), got accepted into NP school (FNP-S), and now passed my boards (RN), so I have a lot of new letters to add to my name: Vrinda, RN-BSN, FNP-S .
So excited yet scared for what the future holds but feeling beyond blessed & incredibly grateful to the people who supported my journey to get here
#nclex #nurses #rn #nursingschool#nursingstudent #studentnurse#nurselife #blogger #blogger #nursepractitioner#rnbsn #study #studyspo #nurse #nursingschool#absn #studygram #medicine#studytips#bsn #bsnstudent #bsnrn #rnbsn #NP